Dreamweaver 8.0: Unexpected quits when using the Assets Panel

Dreamweaver 8.0: Unexpected quits when using the Assets Panel

CNET staff
2 min read

Macromedia's technical support department has acknowledged an issue with Dreamweaver 8.0 where usage of the application's Asset Panel will cause an unexpected quit when manipulating folders with large numbers of files.

MacFixIt reader Scott Slater writes:

"So far Dreamweaver has been troublesome (on OS X 10.42) and is fairly useless right now to me. It seems as though if you have a 175MB web folder all it wants to do is lock up forcing a quit simply trying to use the Assets Panel and also using the drop down in the Files Panel."

In some cases, users may only experience a significant slow-down -- not a complete quit -- when clicking the Expand icon in the Files panel, or attempting to view the Assets panel with a large number of documents.

Macromedia suggests that in order to minimize the delay, place the Assets panel in its own panel group, but the company's technical support department also admits:

"[...] This is one the issues we are keeping eye on for this new version. Unfortunately, during the beta test, none of our beta users were able to see this issue. Now, we are seeing this mostly for users who have large sites to manage on Mac. The only workaround as of this point is to not use the Assets panel at all. I know how inconvenient and frustrating this would be, but I can assure you that we are doing all we can to address this issue. We are gathering as much information as possible."

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.


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