New Apple TIL articles, software updates and news

New Apple TIL articles, software updates and news

CNET staff
2 min read
Here again; gone again Apple's TIL article on Ultra2 SCSI card connectors (#58205) - as discussed last time - was removed and then returned and then removed again.

Imation drivers Apple TIL article #58251 notes that the Imation SuperDisk requires version 1.1 or later of the Super Disk drivers in order to work with the blue and white G3s. (Hint to Apple: find a better name for these cool new machines than "Power Macintosh G3 (Blue and White)"; it's a real awkward way to have to refer to them.)

iMac modem troubleshooting Apple TIL article #24789 offers step-by-step troubleshooting advice on what to do if your iMac's modem fails to connect because it says that it could not detect a dial tone.

Apple's Network Assistant 3.5.2 Updater is out. [If you have trouble with this link, try this TIL article (which includes another download link.]

Apple Display Enabler 2.4.1 has been released.

Mac OS 8.6 alpha Readers report that the first alpha version of Mac OS 8.6 has been seeded to developers. Based on previous schedules, I don't expect it to be released until the second quarter of 99.

iMac is tops again! From a PRNewswire item (thanks Joe Mauceri):

Apple Computer's iMac was the number one selling PC through retail and mail order channels during the 1998 holiday season (October through December 1998), according to PC Data's December Retail/Mail Order Hardware Report. The iMac accounted for 6.2 percent of all unit sales in the fourth quarter, as well as 7.2 percent of the dollar volume.

The popularity of iMac continues to increase Apple's market share since its mid-August rollout onto retail store shelves. This performance has resulted in a gain of almost 300 basis points in Apple's overall market share in the retail and mail order channel, from 6.7 percent in the second quarter to 9.6 percent in the fourth quarter.