Problems getting Photoshop 7 to install?:

Problems getting Photoshop 7 to install?:

CNET staff
2 min read
Adobe offers a solution A reader attempted to install Photoshop 7 on a single volume with OS X installed but no OS 9 System Folder. He could not get it to work. It kept getting stuck when trying to install a file called ARMLib, resulting in an error message that said: "1008:9,-5000 Access Denied Error." He contacted Adobe about this and they offered the following work-around, which "worked perfectly":
  1. Log in as root (Admin privileges are not sufficient).
  2. Go to the OS X system folder, then open Library/Core Services and note the two finders contained therein.
  3. Make a new folder and call it anything that isn't already taken, such as "Classic Finder Stuff."
  4. Get Info on each of the two files in Library: Core Services that are named "Finder.
  5. One of these is listed as a "Classic Application" and the other as "Application." You want the one called "Classic Application."
  6. Move that version of Finder into the folder you created earlier.
  7. Log out as root and back in as yourself.
  8. Install Photoshop...it should work.
  9. Test the app to make sure it installed correctly.
  10. After installing, log back in as Root and put the Classic version of Finder back into Library:Core Services.
  11. Trash the folder you made.
  12. Log back in as yourself.

Note: Most readers have had no problems installing Photoshop 7. However, this solution may help if you are one of the few that do have problems.