Retrospect 4.1 updates

Retrospect 4.1 updates

CNET staff
Retrospect 4.1A Updater has been posted to the Dantz Web site. It fixes a problem that shows up with AppleShare IP 6.0 and Retrospect's lockout option.
If you use the lock out option and you are running Retrospect on an AppleShare IP 6.0 server, you need to update to version 4.1A. If you back up your server or servers over the network, you won't see the problem. This problem affects all versions of Retrospect, not just 4.1.

Retrospect 4.1 Driver Update 1.6 is also out. It fixes a problem in 4.1 that made DDS-2 and DDS-3 drives slower than when used with version 4.0 when running on certain computers (any Macintosh using the MESH bus). If you use a high end DAT drive running on Macintosh built-in SCSI, download this driver update. The driver update also adds support for the new 4-speed Yamaha CD-RW drive.

Check this Web page for other Dantz updates.