Troubleshooting Eudora 5.2.1: Long filenames; lack of connection

Troubleshooting Eudora 5.2.1: Long filenames; lack of connection

CNET staff

Several users are noting that you should avoid large file names when sending Eudora 5.2.1 attachments. Gabriel Dorado writes:

"For instance, the attachment 'QuimicaBioquimicaAlimentos.doc' was received OK by some people but not by others which only received the eMail text and not the attached file."

In addition, some users are reporting that when there is no internet connection available, Eudora 5.2.1 freezes on startup. This was not a problem with the 5.2 beta. This does not appear to be a constant, but has been corroborated by several readers.

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.


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