Utilities Updates: Mail Watcher; Xpod, Dockprefs;

Utilities Updates: Mail Watcher; Xpod, Dockprefs;

CNET staff
2 min read
CreaseProof; Xnippets; KeyStrokesX; Drive 10; more

Mail Watcher II 2.7 is a tool to check multiple email accounts in the background. The latest release sports a new interface, allows changing of the alert sound, and allows users to send messages via SMTP.

Xpod 1.3.0 is an iPod music file transfer tool. The new version features "one-click music copy," auto-renaming of files and support for iPod Extras.

Dockprefs 1.4.2 is a dockling to easily open preference panes from the Dock. The latest release fixes a bug where the Dock Icon Hider would prevent the System Preferences window from coming to the front.

E Pluribus Unum 1.0.0a is a tool to rejoin segmented files.

CreaseProof 2.1 changes files' creator codes and attributes. The new release is compiled with the latest RealBasic version and has contextual menu help.

Xnippets 1.0b1 is a tool to save and retreive text snippets utilizing OS X's services. The program allows users to store entries by name, in a hierarchical list.

KeyStrokes X 1.1.0 virtual on-screen keyboard for users with disabilities. The new version includes improved support for international keyboard layouts and has some stability improvements.

Drive 10 1.1 is a disk repair and maintenance tool. The latest release includes host of new repair routines.

Chimera 0.4.0 is a Cocoa native Web browser based on Fizzilla. In the new version, downloading when clicking a link works and shows progress. Stability enhancements have also been made.

A Better Finder Rename X 4.8 is a contextual menu plug-in to quickly batch rename multiple files. The new version adds the ability to rename a file to its modification or creation date. [OS 9 and X]

TouchStrokes 1.5 is a virtual keyboard for touch screens. The new version runs natively on Mac OS X but also on Mac OS 9. [OS 9 and X]

Badia DragNCopy XT 1.0 is an XTension for QuarkXPress 5 that allows you to duplicate items by dragging and holding the Control key. Users can now drag and copy single, multiple or grouped items interactively, without using a dialog. [OS 9 only]