Channel your inner zombie in Sydney's IRL Shooter with new reward tiers

Real-life FPS IRL Shooter has added new reward tiers to its Pozible campaign, including a level that allows you to dress as a zombie and chase players.

Michelle Starr Science editor
Michelle Starr is CNET's science editor, and she hopes to get you as enthralled with the wonders of the universe as she is. When she's not daydreaming about flying through space, she's daydreaming about bats.
Michelle Starr
2 min read

Real-life FPS IRL Shooter has added new reward tiers to its Pozible campaign, including a lower level that allows you to dress as a zombie and chase players.

(Credit: IRL Shooter)

If you wanted to get in on the Patient 0 action when IRL Shooter brings its game to Sydney, but didn't quite have the cash for a AU$175 ticket, there's now a way you can join in. The team has just added a new reward tier that lets you take part — as a member of the zombie horde.

For just a pledge of AU$50, you can join the moaning masses. "If you ever wanted to live out your zombie fantasy and hunt live players, inflict real 'bite' damage and score points in the process, this is the reward for you," the new tier reads.

The full-price tickets are a little more expensive than the Melbourne campaign, which was priced at AU$125. For those who were balking at the cost, IRL Shooter has sweetened the pot: anyone who buys a full price ticket will also get to go play paintball. The team is offering 10 free passes plus 100 paintballs each for a day at Ultimate Paintball, valued at AU$500.

Finally, if you buy tickets in the month of February, you'll get a chance to play with Clare Costigan, AKA the Vixen Gamer.

So far the campaign, which launched on 16 December, has made AU$92,858 of its AU$1,000,000 target, with 90 per cent of tickets already sold reserved by Melbourne players intending to head to Sydney for a rematch.

If you were planning on a paintball match sometime soon anyway, head over and check it out — it's a pretty sweet deal.