HTC Evo 4G Qik video chat pricing revealed

Up till now, it's been a mystery whether Sprint and Qik would charge for the HTC Evo 4G's video chatting capabilities, but Qik has finally come up with the details. Find out more here.

Bonnie Cha Former Editor
Bonnie Cha was a former chief correspondent for CNET Crave, covering every kind of tech toy imaginable (with a special obsession for robots and Star Wars-related stuff). When she's not scoping out stories, you can find her checking out live music or surfing in the chilly waters of Northern California.
Bonnie Cha

As you probably know the HTC Evo 4G for Sprint is available starting today, and one of its enticing features is the ability to make video calls with the front-facing camera and Qik's video chat app, but it's been unclear whether there would be a fee to use the service.

Well, now we know that the standard service will be free on the Evo 4G and will offer such features as unlimited VGA quality video chats, live sharing to the Web and social-networking sites. However, you can upgrade to the premium service for $4.99 per month and get higher-resolution video, unlimited video archiving, video mail, and more. A full rundown of supported features is available at the Qik blog.

Qik said it will offer the premium features to Evo 4G owners for free until July 15; afterward, you will have to pay the monthly fee. Check out the video above to see the app in action.