Dialed In 147: Palm is back... sort of
Dialed In 147: Palm is back... sort of

Dialed In 147: Palm is back... sort of

-- it's Wednesday up to return if he sent this in 2000 and -- and podcasts. I'm senior associate at and the -- Ten here in San Francisco but I -- senior editor can't do it though article today and that technical producer of the need open the that's the though. And body -- you -- I. As -- means no video -- Today because if somebody took the webcam from webcam issues in new York and -- -- is. So -- and they're just troubling. But. Add just the dead don't court would join us from she's currently shooting at -- time for Mac video. And -- -- -- was introduced -- Big Apple announcement today. And no I don't mean today no no no. No iPhone news none of that but that's but we -- other phone news that's that's that an with the palm -- to look. Making its official debut and it's. Going to Verizon. It's that it is but this is there -- room with the. Well status. Yeah yeah. And good for best actress and Bonnie Cha gonna. The. But anyway it's there -- whereas these -- and yeah but anyway this was flipped over any of a French carrier at that. An HP -- official this week that. The Palm Pre to is indeed coming out it'll be available from different carrier -- a on Friday and then headed to Verizon and becoming might as well -- can and I think -- just -- that is -- -- be right buttons and -- spread her. No it's branding on went right that is against him aspect works -- So is this an any difference -- Addison middle. Sure this plan the the big difference -- it's. It's -- -- -- 2.0 okay actually I think you're getting some new features. The stacks. Multitasking which she did and it. -- together related cards and open up Andrew that exhibition view though when you dock. Your phone protections territory you can -- morning -- -- in different views. Also has support for Adobe Flash Player ten point -- -- don't. Yen another a number of other features and two in view -- would -- it. -- hardware now and and -- different. You know yeah it looks very similar yeah pilots asking it is there any differences yeah let me give you wanna. What if they did anything to you know because the keyboard always wasn't kind of yeah. And into the keyboard. We begin looking for a whole lot about that they -- it lately speaker. And from rank the that. I mean just looking at the phone would -- almost the same as pre plus. Three of interest yen three point 18 the mean and mean he know it they'll be a GSM -- for eighteen he can. Vision well the only -- mention about that is that payers in meant allowed developers to purchase a much he has some versions of the problem pretense that they can bill that -- -- -- man. But no I wouldn't be surprised if it did capture from opportunity and -- -- yet though. You know it Holland -- that date he. April hasn't yet it was early on this here -- I've kind understand why we don't where and when that means you new hardware -- yet from you know if you pop collaboration but yeah this was off the but that's pointing her very different in all -- the you know again. So excited for though -- that I love level -- -- way I really hope you know eight peak and then. Bring. Think the excitement yet I would be me any HP you know they do pretty good laptops -- -- because inherently divisions acting beacon being a lot of their own point of view to their -- system that gas and and I would hate when. I agree. -- And the next -- the the only new phone making it says official debut here rim officially introduced eat blackberries -- Antacid habit -- doesn't have style I think the. -- -- I think some some there was some rumors last week in some previous weeks before that is -- -- -- -- -- by Oxford. But that was -- not the case it's actually called -- and its -- And it is the second ever black -- the shipment OSX difference was the torched it and you -- Bonnie. And this is the first and TDMA back -- -- have noticed that -- that's an interesting thing you -- Sprint's exclusive that. -- And at the beef sector is kind of unique it's a clam shell form factor but it's a full -- keyboard. Selecting the this is the second that that in the first that was the girl that it IBM the smaller keyboard it that you protect. This is the full QWERTY keyboard you have the -- old -- keep what you have optical attract a lot of that. A new blackberries do -- you know it's it's it was square looking -- interest. -- -- Now that. I like the look -- it actually again. This noticeable different. Jenn and the network it would appreciate the form at the -- -- would appreciate that but from -- yeah interesting to me acting on on on it on a conference call this experience and man. It's been said that a lot of the customers gravitate to the flip form factor in beauty like that that and -- on -- And there are hoping that that combines the -- -- he -- it. Attraction for the past I think a lot of people like that. People always say that the -- candy bar style is more prone to buy dials again because that is that buttons again that. -- in this is good but dials back. Because of the decline and ninety. You learn something every day yeah. Yes. In the other thing that -- mentions that the -- -- -- is that a lot of the this is more obvious Smartphone style also is gonna interest -- Habit of of both worlds and the flip phone form and the flip phones smart phone listening oversee -- Our way in -- -- got an idea for -- -- what they were I think there's a Kyocera model years and years ago someone compared this -- dirty and Gaza but on account members that. In listening rarely done so and you wonder if that's this is a really done because people don't want them or they don't really. Where they try to do in the Vista well enough and so why hasn't succeeded so yeah that it will in this is yeah -- -- with the Palm Pre you know it was a -- -- it. Yes exact yes then hating again. I think that's the struggle is unity. Bad form factor you know. Getting a -- Keyboard in -- yeah -- -- -- add extra ball yet -- give me. It would you compromise. -- and I think. You know a lot a lot of Blackberry users -- prize that -- -- -- in the in fact of the keyboards and heavy definite form -- may be at the ticket think. And I think it's only gonna be -- -- -- hundred dollars which is. Affordable apartment OSX the bicycling yet as a five megapixel camera you know if you do that they the bells and whistles there. It comes with key at the 512 megabytes of ram on board and then you get the eight gigabyte Mac that he can't with the and it does support up to thirty cute he -- not enough for you so I mean it looks pretty -- it has external display as well. And bill let's see about the fallen into it does in the studio. -- -- I did. Packing programs if -- Not on not on. And I'm not and I have -- yet but actually it's -- settled. So I think the Blackberry is Alice is an exciting and -- -- -- and and it's per Crowe and echo Greg come and purple angry. And let's move on out Timor Blackberry use of Verizon is going to be rolling out some Blackberry updates -- quick little news item unit. Brightens it up it'll push over the air updates TD Blackberry 96 if -- bowl in 96 that he -- -- -- -- 85 that he could. I don't really know what the specifics but it does sound excessive. The the blackberries will get this -- -- it was sort of bring more. But it because it is performance upgrade to dozens. But no OS six it yet but those. And anything. That's the mania and next that we haven't left small Kerry -- a boost mobile is little -- and did use a planned. Com that will -- -- on time payments it's called the monthly -- -- the trinkets plan. In that's customers. Reduce the -- I -- that. I literally just awesome I think we -- what went over about -- About an hour and I think that's. And that. That's where it -- -- -- mobile Pressler Heath is it something like now she gets the good thing and I'll look me. You would do in the heat of the pretzel made -- -- -- -- is -- attorney is for. In stores for. People its steel basically sit -- and the candidate here your inventory reductions from from absent from stealing. I -- him payment that yes Brian I think. -- Right but yet -- -- third did but that's at seven and chat -- earn only. But yet that's what they actually -- against the monthly that -- and that's just asking for it I -- and but I think it's a really good because it's. Eased somewhat in the usual fifty dollars. Monthly charge me -- a minute come on one plan that -- mobile offers. And then by just making untie you payments in overturning. Seeking get to as Louis 85 dollars a month death and making payments in a very timely manner. And you know that's great that name he -- -- used for unclaimed payments and yet. Yeah today we're actually -- -- lot of this lot of East Africa carriers are coming out with stuff this week. And over to mobile yeah technical talk about Batman which is on -- adjustment to think image -- it is well. Yeah forget they're really coming out in performance -- in it we have no we have good deals -- I think that's that they -- also boost mobile a citizen of reducing their international connect feature for -- Tony -- dollars a month for unlimited calling you. Concern that American countries and since it's an Asian Pacific countries. And then next up is as you mentioned appeal -- -- -- mobile they have reviewed immune. Thirty dollar voice centric plan I know that's a pretty easy -- -- But three. That's -- This could. In this new lord that painless to send TV. You lured here PP arm of virgin mobile decline -- by -- mobile. And if you plan is 100. Minutes for thirty dollars that includes 500 messages as -- and mechanics and -- X. You know this is -- -- the for those who don't want to -- -- -- with unlimited data with unlimited messaging but they really do what a lot of minutes or all of their full cops. That it is very targeted at the boy centric consumer that's -- -- And it'll be available for the usual the T-Mobile phones you -- -- -- the -- for an -- the of the accused senator -- -- to meet me. -- -- -- -- And and then harassment briefly then. MetroPCS launched some prepaid phone cards you can get them him only Wal-Mart. But they did -- prepaid calling -- and some data use and free messaging -- fifty dollar professor at twenty dollar thirty dollar increments. A couple things that -- -- more about this is that. You can use the cards for calling friends in the 48 states. But you'll have to get separate cards. For. And Puerto Rico bit have to get separate cards -- line Alaska. Which is now it is man just the fact that it. -- -- Did -- country states that yeah. States actually -- Tuesday's you don't get Nazi about. You restaurant are areas commonwealth you -- so it's. As -- company that is available now -- And moving on and -- orgy in and -- his and it for a G in new York and Los Angeles. Yeah and San Francisco -- well -- well is an aim is adding. The story behind this is we know we've done that sprint have this outline how -- four G WiMax service lies and -- discuss how -- and New York for a little while now. And the call actually found and used it I think -- -- the one of the phones -- -- -- -- It is the testing process now they're finishing it up. And will happen -- is that on it will officially go live on the. It was just to go live in. New York on the first November 1 Los Angeles on December 1 and -- will launch in late December probably December 20 ninth. And so you can get it now but these -- -- if missile launches and they promise pretty comprehensive coverage. -- -- especially near -- -- -- -- -- boroughs plus some suburban areas. Suppose Leno and area look at dollar on the day and in -- Canada from San Fernando Valley down parts weren't happening so. You of course -- the exact experience will vary by location but. This is a good thing just because you as a two largest cities in the country in the course that's switched San Francisco which we really like. And you know not exactly a small bird but. We're good to see does have a lot more millions more customers and also if you -- -- sprint forgy handset user in this place is. You. Though you're gonna get your money's worth your ten dollars per month now extra -- -- -- -- for -- and actually get. Any word on LT. If and now we jamming as we know it CT CTI the presence -- that bring it to parity -- -- -- cities by the end of the year. And -- The I just Linux is getting indeed hit start it yet Newton with the completion of and next we. Mentioned -- I suppose at some point we have an. And Connecticut. And you know that -- get some some -- talked around it and it the possibility of a Verizon iPhone and even though its commitment. I hated the imports at this point -- -- -- especially while the rumors coming out all the speculation. Can't -- you bring us. -- -- -- -- yes there were tennis with which has Erica canoes and basically wanted to take our we -- we get questions about -- all the time I don't know what's gonna happen if ever has tonight from outcomes. And what we know it's -- -- we wrap this up in the case and they Q. And of course we don't know this for sure. A lot of -- are pointing toward a just a January release of the I Verizon iPhone. Rumors have been -- around for years by. Journal The Wall Street Journal which. Tends to get a lot of leaks from Apple has been reporting. Part of a lot lately and up until recent and I just -- what's gonna had a really. That's sort of basically said -- it's coming it's in January so. We -- a little that what we thought things like whether the handset will use. And use -- OT network and well we expect we expect the first we will not actually -- -- means only. Of course that means TDMA that we won't have a sim card -- won't -- -- -- sim -- -- -- And there's a possibility that you will be using C mean GSM and it will be dual mode so you don't you see an entire beach and GSM overseas did. Yet and I would I would think that they would have to do that yet has spent just. Blocks you out so many places -- you know all of Europe. Which you know -- -- a place people go to -- hand and a lot of countries in Asia Australia so it makes a lot more sense yet -- Absolutely -- Couple things you know people say that's the -- is that -- a -- while it is true right now that it doesn't allow for simultaneous simultaneous transmission of voice and data. By. Understands that this -- in development group well they're -- that next year that will change. Technology -- commercially available in the first -- the next years ago. That's a big deal if that happens because it means that you would sort of commercials -- says. Part of my friend and I mean sushi and I'm findings issued on the street -- you know I'm calling the plays Somalis business. That really does apply perceive me right now but it definitely -- That is the big deal and it also sounds like anybody within the Verizon -- does come down before that's available they're gonna be a lot of angry people who don't understand that upcoming yeah. Yeah what have to. That's that's as a very obscure you want this device in your hand you want it to work exactly how all of your friends on eighteen he have a working. And to have outdoors column ran into that European BB bundle different industry alleyway -- -- the acting that's that's the point. So and a timing was really -- Yeah I don't think that people wouldn't buy it I just think that there be -- happiness. Yes. I think you're right I'm just people just would understand that -- you know like Biden okay -- -- -- -- And that's such this is -- the image that bodies really wrap your mind around if you're not -- the industry just that that that reality says so if that happens. And -- is the last couple things. We. A lot of people ask is that -- -- -- batter and actually more I read people are expected to be done and expects the network a lot of you can't simultaneously. Talking well yeah -- -- they expect they're not gonna get a phone call. Big question -- everyone things you'll be better because you know they're seeing Verizon's fascinating getting underground and they can get AT&T and the effect is we don't -- may. Yes we do not now because really what's gonna -- that they determine its capacity because -- can have a stronger signal. But if the capacity is there so they can handle a huge number of data harks. On the network at one time then that will be the real test but right now we just don't know there's a possibility it will be just his presence. Working on this they've been using Android for a long commitment invoking a but Android and there was a study in Los eternal an axis of it. And -- people -- owners use more data than the music the averages them. And if they can handle that the manually look at iphones and other countries we know that -- still have the problem and we had a problem with the antenna this year so. I already using more data because they're multitasking. There whether they're really saying -- just getting our could be anything -- -- And that that's very and you don't think that I've heard of iPhone owners in I mean you can't get you'll problem there are some people who live in. Instead -- you haven't and the post -- they could be a combination of both the highway eighteen he. For rhino and is it just -- CBC honestly the weather than you have to make it different than -- Verizon's. Delete delete delete it -- to Verizon with a that's different in some way. You know. It remains to be seen whether their heart will be different right with it and it -- and people went up. He antenna conflicted than the one now has. So with. Now interest in -- but we will now next January. That's right. And if you're not an iPhone user you preferred -- SO was a survey recently that since -- lot of fun and it owners and to be -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yes com and actually and a -- -- that's about Atlanta about the swell like Iran and -- is that it. The one I write about was an and my story and making it recently. The study was conducted in the UK yeah. Yeah it's so country has to do problem deeper huge problem -- of -- it -- -- -- Poll found it less than 5% of women aged twelve point five to 39 -- BM depicting under devices their next mark an enemy and -- move. Google's mobile platform eleven point 4% so I -- -- I totally -- -- and -- Yeah we talked about this last uniting part of it was -- marketing. He's the drying it. Area yet and very hazy side -- mentality. Name means and am looking around. You know on the ugly things and seeing more. Entered I think I think -- -- and you truly can meet the added. That that we you appeal to more keep everything reports about. -- phones you know male to female usage ratio. Because this could have been intentional this could've been. I don't -- Motorola. I -- the right thing going after especially with those -- going after iPhone users and getting potential I think users to turn -- -- right. And if I think users anonymously mailed and you could see them sort of wanting to create that cool factor in and really follow in the footsteps to gain market share justice -- I know that's -- good point yeah. I think you know this is does my personal opinion I don't think -- I think gender marketing in in general. Is it's something that I would gravity -- -- the republic of Palm Pre there was this whole thing about being very feminine. -- as a -- very very -- you know ready. Women centric ad campaign for the -- remember those yeah with a preview -- And -- And doesn't have very housewife centric and as well I -- oh yeah yeah pretty pretty quickly in yeah and I I did not like -- well off you know like little -- -- -- -- -- listening -- media. So -- -- a lot of ads at an -- my kids and you may know. -- -- odds in your discussion on Whitman intact -- all these problems with that the pink laptops there is currently laptops -- -- I don't remember specifics but. -- emerging -- that has always been supportive. And given taken in tag -- yeah like a good idea if there are actually you know. More women you are using tech who could be captured him from that -- How however. I I think. It you know it nobody likes being -- with the -- perhaps. I think -- -- episode and the reason I I think you do see a lot of women using and it could be good to restore Andy does look at the -- the phone skit that you'll you know don't like it's not. I don't think you know. If in -- and W to a using. That phone you won't be because it's on that. But then again we're Silicon Valley in your question that's it so we might have -- -- -- cute opinions of others stared exactly it would be interesting to see you. -- the rest of the US was like and -- the rest of other countries are like among sort of regular consumers. A very good point in the chat -- that was seeing that some women think the -- bit too big. Other hand like a lot of -- draw a -- and second of bit by the four point three inch asking on the -- though on the joint accidents kind of big. It fall into that category. These -- they you know after -- enter it acts for -- -- coming I used to it. It just sort of adapt and and it is nice having that big screen but I also agree with genie in the -- -- that then. Incredible is the sort of more petite size and a little bit better. Yeah I mean if you know. Definitely you know with written reply doesn't -- -- -- if you if you know whether you're mile you know whether you put an inventor and iPhone and Blackberry. The net and and let you know what. And the next unused items -- that Jessica you whether -- you're off in the early part of this podcast. Because you're recording a video about -- time. That's right it -- blue -- Scott cyan -- is -- with -- in New York called me up he was on an iMac -- the new beta software that was just announced today. And I was here on an iPhone and my desk as a on an iPhone for and so we called each other a little Ben and -- kind of like testing it out and and -- checking what's the what's your sound quality like what's your video quality like and so I just really quickly right upper first impressions from my side. They're gonna have video later on today and Scott's gonna have his own impressions because they were different turns out I -- -- generally. A better quality and in terms of audio and video he said that he got a lot of -- penis. I have I had sort of pretty good audio. And in own video that was possible but. I haven't really expected video to be -- good based on what we've been seeing for all the mobile platforms -- him even for desktop video chat it's really just not that great yet. Yeah yeah insinuate you -- it's sort -- like the most you can ask for -- to be able to see the person and that their image doesn't freeze and then it's not -- And I didn't have any impact so it worked for me and I think Scott's experience -- little bit less successful. So over. Did and overall it's a great option to get -- -- of our biggest complaint but face time with that. It was limited -- for users. -- credentials and iPods but and I -- lasts for users only -- -- mobile devices. And this really opens it up exponentially to anybody who has snow leopard at the moment. Lion for Sharon comes. And it is in beta. So it's not perfect but all of a sudden they've got sort of like a viable tap out for him but there is iChat -- and -- also said. It wasn't nearly as good as iChat. Now it does seem a little bit weird iChat wasn't integrated in -- face time. Yeah that this is a little bit outside of -- of becoming a but I do agree with you because. It just seems to get to -- Apple has two different video chat and -- went -- to be a lot better while someone isn't even and it's it's a little odd and I. I think this is -- my prediction I think in the future and -- -- it. They should be I think bill -- converged. I was time yet the minute that that I think that's something in between them -- -- in the -- but that's exciting data that's fun little experiment. Coupling checked back in later but a mediator on for the video and first Scott's own impressions good and what's really how to download it means. Sort of -- Okay. And before we get through -- -- for. And there back and the first review the look at is the -- you'd -- one ravine. And we thought -- at Kiki de Panasonic -- and he. He concludes a look at it and the human -- mean. It's the update -- -- tax UGT one line it's -- rugged handset. Is very very bulky and very yet nobody. -- -- -- looking it's very clunky looking at it is resistance is a closely you -- environmental hazards in this military certified. -- ten jesus' teachings. So to fight against -- water shock. Writing an environmental hazards. -- that comes with its sweet outdoors specific applications like an accomplice at thermometer. You know an astronaut calendar and a -- not that -- it's very. I give it to -- the outdoor enthusiasts and you know it definitely point two megapixel camera has all of those much needed because I don't get for that yet you get it for the -- -- -- -- It's supposed to be a improvement though they need the Iraq from last -- it is a little bit -- it's. Spanish style is certainly and the cameras have been -- But it it it loses some of the external music -- conclude that -- from the previous version. And he -- -- -- -- 2.5 union not not at -- point I'd muted. Again one of those things that I think should be an all -- to have some -- yeah and that's. And -- it -- of the speech at the -- PS push to talk and features. So it's it's definitely for a specific kind of market but I ain't. If you really want a phone that can be super water resistant a very resistant. All kinds of of those environmental -- -- -- it's great. It's 150 dollar with a neat use of -- agreement and -- fifty -- My only my others and cut it -- this sounds that -- call quality is. With and that's. Beat keep in -- and the next thing I looked -- with you Motorola only since that is -- Bluetooth headset beach Motorola claims is. You profitable at that -- ever made. It was okay. -- -- -- comfortable. It's comfortable but the call quality is not. Not really the and it was -- But it was not as good as the cleaned it would be that he claimed to be super good wind noise resistant -- it was it was and that pretty. It was you know it's a pretty service -- serviceable. It'd hit. It is not that much better than it is competitors he doesn't have eight to. DP streaming that a lot of its competitors have. It does have market when it does have voice illuminates it is in -- very in Justine very small compact design mean. It this around eighty dollars retail so it is -- its its pretty affordable. But I would. Actually tests. Get -- Plantronics instead because I think that is not much more and you get a lot more -- money with it and tonics. -- -- It's my opinion and next up we have he -- things. Three say the Samsung -- -- sixth nineteen. -- -- Jeff that was a prepaid phone for T-Mobile. Hands. It's pretty get it doesn't really look like months of basic lacking kind of boring to look at but the -- out pretty Q -- was this comfortable use it was very compact that seemed really -- as well. Other basics like a one point three megapixel camera. With -- cam corder there's in and basic little music player and their sixteen gigabytes of expand the memory so for what you get it's and it well I think -- -- a little bit more. The new -- necessarily expect by just clicking -- it. But there feed of -- that we have to clean out and that is that a really didn't like it -- on the dial pad. There -- really kind of like Wyatt and then they they appeared very -- and -- kind of hard to get around. And there's no dedicated headset Jack it is shared -- USB headset Jack charger plant and where which is awful there's a music player board. Because you have to get in after them yeah remember like we never like head and they did it -- -- polluted it. They also put the micro SD card slot underneath the back cover and on and -- the battery but underneath the back cover witnesses. Being convenient and and now you know we don't like that either you I don't know whether or not divining the funds -- -- personal specifications they're really they really should I. So it's about eighty dollars which is pretty good for prepared. Prepaid phone. And and -- a few more reviews coming out I just taken -- looking at the something intercepts. Yes and later today I am also going to have the eighteen to 49 for T-Mobile and other prepaid phone. For basic Samsung's compared yeah a lot of -- -- -- that -- -- -- -- -- princess right yeah. And I also am looking good looking at the -- -- tune my eighteenth Ian -- -- -- at the front -- -- -- -- -- narrow band via against the Europeans. -- Yeah and running chart here that acting that's it for of -- -- thanks for listening he can and call -- at 1866. For his GA TT sixty can email that the out minutes cnet.com -- go to -- website. At -- dot cnet.com for -- episodes and shown it's taking a tip podcast unit for all other. And that doesn't farmed the -- and for something exciting hang out this afternoon. And okay -- that. Check back later today on Wednesday Ahram. They can listen to isn't there and ethnic and her very interest in. It so I'm not seen in -- them. Okay and that that is it for this -- -- -- -- if you think. Hi -- -- and two. --

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