Dialed In 167: March Madness CTIA edition
Dialed In 167: March Madness CTIA edition

Dialed In 167: March Madness CTIA edition

Hello everyone it is march 30 two when he eleven welcome to -- and CNET cellphone podcast. I'm Bonnie Cha senior editor -- I'm here in New York. -- ballet and Maggie Reardon from CNET news hello hi thanks for having me yet thanks for coming -- And in San Francisco we've got Kent German Nicole Lee and Jessica -- correct. And -- and we. -- -- And the other one and M welcome our new technical -- you beat him hello -- had no. Welcome to the show and we didn't get say this class because we went there but. Big thank you to but he took -- -- For us for the past week and month via dynamic game is that games but felt it -- I'm. Yes he still in the -- -- -- technical and the building this -- -- going to happen didn't. -- we are all back from -- -- -- and PC IA yes we we did survive it was. Panic hazy and even before the show because. -- big news dropped. And that's being. That they're going to buy T-Mobile for 39 billion dollars. Since -- Is there and I think it doesn't it. Just have it yet again if it broke on a Sunday -- -- on -- -- -- now we weren't doing anything. Just enjoy their -- MacBooks generally do yeah buzz -- seats Yang was when you -- you -- it to new maintenance yes and it's that was -- An earthquake Intel announced some other national. And where was everyone. This quickly. -- -- -- -- I was at Bed, Bath & Beyond I didn't -- for every February to finance the triple B about -- Is buying travel size being spread them need to -- I'm a little kind man and you're violent and sheets now I was buying any room. Why I visit TJ Maxx mean I know I had no cellphone reception of this -- I came out of the storage hasn't. How dynamic how these messages -- -- in Cali -- You hear the big news is we -- do you have a comment. Yearning for right -- -- entertainment coming -- great way yeah I'm embarrassed to say it actually in the office. In the office yeah I was working on all of this ETA stats and of the pop over knob and things get worked out there and it's seeing their little bit longer and I -- an invasion and I think can actually get the grand prize -- -- an agreement that. I was in Seattle and thanks during I was in Seattle with cancer and Siemens Sony borrowing -- for seventeen landings and -- -- Coming in it was on the intimately but actually got the news originally as well weird months -- it was. -- the first video and then. All of these calls started coming in front -- editors and from the -- -- PR people -- from. Just for people wanting common interests that stand in -- for an iPhone planes that -- -- it was pretty excited. This multitasking and antenna yeah it was time there was also insists his last days -- suspended day you know exactly what's going on some. Yeah just kidding yes so in -- -- and Maggie you and expect human and -- give us the details of what happened and why AT&T decided by general. Yes so I you know AT&T basically said that the reason why they want T-Mobile is. For added. This did a WS spectrum which is gonna help them. Further build out their health. End. You know and obviously T-Mobile was just looking for someone to come to the rescue again -- -- been lots -- rumors that sprint was looking at them which would have made no sense at all because. T mobile's GSM carrier Sprint's. -- -- Bay -- -- so it just would've been a nightmare integration you know Nextel all over again. But you know with AT&T in terms of the technology they're good fit in PI think the big problem obviously is. It now AT&T is gonna be just huge right -- -- 130 million customers will be the largest cellphone carrier. In the US and already. Eight mile -- prior. Afghan -- -- -- caring right. So I think that they're gonna be you know this is inserted. A done deal just yet it's gonna take at least a year of reviewing. Com. From the regulators so we'll see what happens but you know the lobbying -- already started and every day it seems like there's a new story out and out. -- know that some of these non something exactly NE nine AT&T spends a lot of money in Washington and rain -- capital also. And now we'll see if my mr. attorney generals and states can -- this -- they can at least. Trying to get in the way for -- Oh yes -- and and I talked to. EO Larry -- who who writes for. For. CNET news occasionally on and he's an expert in this area and he said you know actually in when it comes to antitrust. A lot of times it's the attorney general's -- the state level they really push this and and so. And it securely in Telecom and antitrust. You know states are also regulators so they have a lot more pool. And they'll definitely be involved in and -- investigation in in the discussions. So yes that'll be interesting to see I'm sure that they're gonna be some some sort of concessions at the very least -- if the deal goes through. They're it's gonna be some divestitures probably it Nazi -- still unclear -- -- there are yes yes I mean this is just the beginning of saying you know I talked to some FCC folks at CT IA. -- -- This just happened yesterday. I haven't had to look at kayak Aetna cow and what is -- -- what is really at a restaurant just for people but on. Well which -- tend to happen in what happened for example with Verizon and Alltel. Is Verizon had to give up some. And some subscribers in certain markets so. -- in an all depends on Howell the regulators being FCC and the Department of Justice. Look at the market you know did they go market by market -- go -- -- of nationally. But where they see a lot of concentration perhaps they'll say AT&T you're have to you. You know give up. Customers which is kind of unfortunate for people who want to be AT&T customers -- -- and they can't be feminist again. And they could and then another carrier can swoop in and just via those assets -- -- you can only write yourself like -- certainly am a sprint customer -- America. And from right kind of in the position where they would need that most. Assuming this goes through. I well it all depends straight it's it's an independent. Customers in -- spectrum that they are asked to give up -- may not fit into Sprint's portfolio -- of -- spectrum so to be honest with you it's probably gonna happen. Is Verizon would be the likely ones it to scoop up stuff they have captioning have. You know. April the new idea. I mean that's what happened in an Alltel Verizon and passenger AT&T -- -- assets so. He becomes part of the big. You know what editing features in this conversation and is that Verizon and AT&T would be the biggest and leave everyone behind and so if Verizon were to be the most likely -- to skip -- up. That would make them stronger and that -- kind of support. The hold duopoly. Part of the conversation. Right now. Anyway that's -- we're not an aid get away from a duopoly -- it's it's going to be I mean it is now it is now so. You know if you look at the market nationally. So that's just gonna be. What happens I think what's going to be interesting is what happens with the smaller players -- -- leap and MetroPCS. And then you've got this new player it's got the satellite spectrum called light speed. And they're gonna have be building on an LTE network and -- his RD said. That they -- NN. Buy capacity from Memphis light speed is gonna be any is that -- -- like. -- -- like squarely declared -- and saying light speed is on the amp light squared omni and they. There are gonna be building a wholesale network so. So leap for example will buy capacity from them. Or four G network where they'll have coverage you know pretty much everywhere. So that could be interesting but you know. If T-Mobile was -- able to make -- go. With the backing of somebody like Deutsche Telekom. To go against the big guys I'm not sure did some little. Smaller company will be able to do it and. For this to go through it for this but the federal level -- -- -- to be approved by. The FCC and the Department of Justice correct yes and yes and it really did it work together -- -- -- yesterday. They do -- separated. They actually separate Lee. Will you know do their due diligence mania I -- on their own and they're looking at slightly different things I mean obviously it's all about public interest but. You know there -- specific criteria for what's considered antitrust think -- slightly different so I think. On that -- general Lee. You -- -- And I think I've ever heard of it where it's been split where it FCC a keynesian idea and it doesn't hurt my sanity -- generally counting on the same lines. So for. T-Mobile customers who are concerned about what happens next what do they do you know to. Have any information or advice for that you know summarizing doing. Switch now -- what happens to my -- that you know when if this deal goes through. Again we know it's funny and there's this rumor going around I don't know where it started in or are in its misinformation really via net. -- -- -- require. Everybody to come and get new handsets -- once it goes through that's. Not the case -- -- AT&T. Several times Mark Siegel a spokesman for AT&T said no people will not have to get new handsets we don't know when it came from. Com but what will happen over the course of time is that. -- say your T-Mobile customer now once once the merger goes through -- old and you still have a contract you'll still. Half Debian and yet your yields down bill probably honor I mean they haven't said this pressure -- from -- I know one of sorted the legal. Ramifications of of the contract meaning half did. They have -- -- along with that union contract. And then -- -- youth but that existing contracts would be grandfathered and -- it yes they have to honor those contracts and then after year contract expires then you know they could. They may not offer the same camera and an enemy -- -- hey whatever you do whatever it I think I think -- -- -- -- it was because of current T-Mobile has that they have the clinical for a utility. Whether that will be -- the -- to maintain because the three G spectrum is different. On AT&T to -- every aspect and wouldn't doubt that will be -- -- teens have kept its -- way right if I was like isn't it might be. So what what's happening is what will eventually happen is AT&T is going to it probably use that AWS spectrum for. They're LTE but you know initially there -- building out LTE. With spectrum that they are -- I had AM ES some of it is 700 so. I think it. What they're probably -- using -- T-Mobile spectrum for is just and it. You know it's a longer term -- -- so people naturally migrate off that spectrum anyway as. As bait you know their contracts and any upgrade their phones. You know they'll be. AT&T customers -- eight -- and -- thing that people. -- tend to forget is there and then there's been a lot of consolidation and mergers in this marketplace and this happens all the time where they have to move people off certain spectrum and even within the -- carrier. You know when they build out new networks you know when he got the three G network announcer filling out. Orgy to a certain extent -- migrate people on and off certain spectrum. And and you don't even realize you're doing brightness you -- it yet say that it's. It's about the T-Mobile customary and I left AT&T to be if you look at today at -- -- -- -- -- -- prison. Right now just because I left them specifically because Elena and a qualitative -- -- -- that the console a perfect at a customer service at no breaks and is known for. So Adobe growing pains roughly eighteen she will learn something -- -- to. I mean we'll see. Yeah its it's always concerning when when when you -- Stagnant you know -- it's unclear now my guesses. Now we're at demo what habit at the corner and -- gadgets -- was very competitive you know it was it was so much cheaper in the -- keep you in -- that the unlimited data plans and all of that. Which AT&T does not have FYI recommended it -- and also -- you have to consider to. You know. T-Mobile didn't have great coverage you know it -- necessary to our question earlier in -- city and -- But if you left New York City for example and you clients used the Jersey shore you went to Vermont. You get your -- you probably marketing at T-Mobile service so. -- -- so the benefit the upside is that T-Mobile customers will get better coverage and hopefully what will happen for all of them AT AT&T well this is what AT&T is saying of course. Is that com. Dick -- equality in the service will be better because they'll have more capacity and more spectrum to be able to do you know. You provide better service so it definitely doesn't stop you know -- friends. Being very upset until they -- thanks the Wikipedia yes and in -- in a bad bad yeah I. Unfortunately -- and you know they've come out formally -- -- this week in the university where finding for the cut consumer -- Now they're fighting for themselves well yeah -- -- -- -- The that I didn't -- that -- yes writing and you know what what I think inserts that is springing his really had sort of agree come back. Over the last couple years they're CEO Dan how he's -- a great job. It. -- to -- -- company back on track and it just seems like every time. You know it gave me to get -- grasping -- -- some progress and they get like sucker punched and -- now and it's. I hope that that they can kind of stick it out and and remain a major player but you know I -- the next story I see happening is. Do you know usually when you see. A merger this kind you see more consolidation so you know whether that's Verizon buying up some other properties they've said they're not interested in France yet which addresses very like oh yeah -- Connecticut opposes. Never to write a variety Aaron let you know maybe sprint buys up leap or MetroPCS may -- they combine forces -- and exactly -- Yes so. -- -- be Verizon is just you know -- little bit of a poker face here and animated characters scenarios -- fitness community they're both TDMA networks it it could work you know regulators are gonna let. AT&T by T-Mobile. -- can only buy and -- would invade. Why didn't I am now the event that you have. I mean that's that's what happened in the long distance wars tree at all -- -- -- buying yeah where AT&T got gobbled up an -- Verizon won over and said. US BC dot AT&T and and brightens like on and -- -- -- and see. Anything about. Then it was diet and -- Flash from the past and now if that happens yeah honoring him blind should be and seeing next. Year PS -- the title and it happened yes keep me employed with Jack. Yeah but -- worried Maggie yeah one -- it. That we Rihanna wrap up of the stories that's been going on with this. With a steel silica cleaning pad in the blog and create information that he's the -- and so that happen and then we had yeah it -- bill. -- -- Yeah but that's so you know there where there where -- number announced. And device announcements at the show and my iPad we just can't go around and talk about some of the highlights that we each side so anyone -- -- -- Kickoff. Of where. -- -- I'm well well -- we go over best of show if we need to reallocate -- Fact so I was thinking it was you know it was this patent but it was in the Titanic. None but it was and CJ has been interest in the past few years because the show I think it's been. When I first went to -- I think in 2004. It was. Remembers going to again confusion and it wasn't a big call this year it's up to the space it occupies hasn't -- -- it. The buzz that it has just seems to be able to especially in the face of mobile congress. And followed it to repeat from world congress -- we didn't and a lot of companies just checked out Motorola checked out that weren't there and and to prepare they have been doing. Praying that activists diagnoses and -- -- announcements -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I don't know how many even all ETA shows tale feel like I did not make -- anticipated and again so there. He came -- helping us by moving mission to -- -- -- and made it illegal that a commission between mobile congress this is only a month to month between the two. And I took the time to build. Open the -- of interest at work on some new things and have a little time to really. But -- -- -- at sort of public mind sort of forget mobile congress and move on so but we did have a few things we -- The best known to pick BO GG two accident -- counters that it's just that it's -- -- -- on things but you know. We thought about this and a call with and of course gonna cover this device originally and it is the device that's built on the it is the resolution the -- -- -- two acts yet and we liked a couple things about this we really liked the we really like the processor it was very fast we think that the in our testing -- quote -- four G speeds have been equivalent with with. And -- -- -- not for instance really that was prince. And we love the stock Android -- like to display the eight megapixel camera. The great multimedia support -- have. In a video phone -- reviews of the -- 3-D had a 3-D support really think it's cool uninteresting but. I think almost don't wanna see that 3-D capability -- on the market before we. In the corner saying that those my biggest concern that the 3-D -- mostly he does look very. Pretty interesting. Now it that yet but he it if it out compared with the authority and -- you can authority is the you AT&T'S vision of the opera's -- -- yes -- A Tennessee and does it Eva three eat it looks a little better than that for Sheridan. The images seen crisper and -- pop out a bit more. But I can't say that we don't know what the pricing of the full beaming don't know whether it's -- the phones are really -- Being for customers yet. You know these have to see -- to write any reading isn't enough -- and to carry -- yet continue. And other well the outs of this two X. Yet some of the three Eva 3-D specs were little patter in the sense that. Had bigger screen on the processor is one point -- -- -- appearance. We wanna make a decision based solely on specs and you know we don't we're not -- -- -- -- that Steve -- world respects that matter by. Some of the difference he -- -- that we really. And we really wanted to admire -- command LG for the immense -- they've done in the past six months and Smartphones entering US market if you looked at. Last summer and they had. What of them -- -- or some yet it was like it LG ally at and then there was enough -- and you know they have. Really and and they've really reached I'm -- content strategy and -- -- absolutely. You know we're gonna come out these great device they're gonna be and we're gonna be really aggressive and you gotta hand it to them that. Yeah and I think you know -- They've been successful overseas but the -- -- -- that US success that the always wanted it. On phones and with the united -- of the -- of optimists don't do -- in critical but dimensional right. Says these -- -- dissident GE c.'s of the -- two -- of forest. And this is definitely an aimed at the high end customary at the going after the evils of the world -- after -- -- the Motorola -- of the world with this phone. And I have to give computer processor having -- -- that the forget that -- We we've always say that stock Android is is -- -- -- because it makes this a lot easier. You know is just easier to to navigate I I feel compared to some of the other ones. So you know. That's -- -- the the upside of -- stock Android. I sat down actually with thumb with. -- VP of marketing for LG there -- and you know we have a really interesting conversation about Howell. Their strategy is for -- nine he admitted he said you know we -- and screwed up and -- -- you know we didn't have. That high end smart -- -- Android and it really hurt us so. You know he he seems to think 2000 islands going to be -- year and now it seems like it -- start what you're. Any diet and start with the this is that pretty -- -- sound and a. So that was best found and then we chose the Galaxy Tab service templates and that this is its its gonna show that might see a slight mobile congress in my CTI we tablets are. That this is the show have wireless shows where we're gonna see tablets -- -- and our management almost one of these things I. -- get dragged unwillingly -- -- just -- that. -- -- -- I am running to telephone about the Antarctica had its parent they introduced to tablet that Sampson got the eight point nine and then he -- -- -- -- -- if you remember they actually introduced the -- ten point one mobile world congress but it the difference here is. It's a lot -- -- eight point six millimeters. And then and they're calling it the world's thinnest tablet iPad two comes in eight point eight meters. And you know recently there's been a little bit of controversies mean actually view is -- You now I. I don't care of those -- don't -- I don't carry either because it's a beautiful device I give them credit because you know their original -- -- seven -- series. If not plasticky and to keep you now because we've always had that kind of criticism about him in some other phones and tablets -- at a hardware in time says yes. Yeah well being and way. And the -- you know we we don't we give them props for that but even beyond just design -- and -- yet there is gonna be the first company. Depending on when they release it in and to add a customized -- unit user interface that Nico so it's called TouchWiz UX. And I'll -- you guys that I just some of Andrea tablets I've seen I. I can't pick it up and -- exactly how to use it. After I think that it's gonna be downsides of having -- and it's -- there -- -- -- scared of me of the CP yes -- I just don't know -- it punch for this or that so it's not it's not the same as the phone OS at all. -- -- -- -- So TouchWiz U -- unity date demonstrated on the -- ten point wine and it's just it adds a lot of it makes it more user friendly I think they've got little widgets that help you you know manager wireless options -- had you know. -- -- your homes -- your fear of bookmarks and things like a variety you know eight and was really impressed with bad and it just made. The tablet so much easier to use I know -- Can for that reason I play a key is kind of about tablet you know the introduced the evo view is that when -- -- -- US is that this phone for sprint which is that -- sneaky spyware and I'd I'd. We about it but -- -- I love the fiery canning need to YouTube. Play I think Samsung just did something different with the UI in. Really improve their hardware and I think Jessica scoffs at those for the like him. You know I actually it got a chance to look at it in the form of the -- View -- is that three G forgy. And the planets you know me yeah and I tried out Pratt and granted I only had it -- him for a couple seconds but it really didn't work the way -- wanted to throw a really wanna like head and it might be different the different in -- -- -- unit in my hand that could end of the -- -- -- very responsive. Though. I think that that's a really cool acute case of being able to scribble a thinner and -- -- it I would like to see it in the. Flash on commercially available device and if it's a little bit -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And this is being and he was kind of evidence that -- I welcome to nineteen do something different and -- hand brake -- But then our best service with Sprint's Google Voice integration -- it's just talk about. Yeah they actually had been planning this for the fourth ETA and haven't been really good news for sprint had AT&T not reared its ugly cadre let and a T-Mobile -- is -- and disrupted everything but. I can take a look at -- and I got a chance to speak with. As part VP kind of overseeing this integration and also with the Google Voice team basically the integration offers Google Voice. All of their -- on calling service says -- call forwarding visual voice mail on a bunch of other features. -- -- Almost every Sprint's customers effort Smartphone for your future and it's while. Am and it doesn't work if you've got a corporate account -- your prepaid but this is just. Are really great service through youthful few offspring customers optional cordless -- really -- And make international calling cheap international calling really acceptable and it just worked really well you -- -- set up it's not nothing but if kind of the same ease of set up that you would happen if you were interested in Google Voice anyway. But I think that this is great for both companies and I think it's great for customers as well especially people -- you have. Sort of stayed away from Google Voice -- are still curious about it. So. Desperate thing it's really important to them and they're hoping that the Google Voice. You know having the Google name and brand behind sprint will. Stand out adds a unique offering. -- -- their service now is it going to save them from anything that we've talked about with the mergers now. But it is still in something that hopefully will be seen as a -- And yet it's pretty -- I think that's enhancements to meant. Lessing was armaments we get into the Eva 3-D because that -- technology it's still really is an impressive phone firms who agree that it. That covers -- kind of the biggest enhancements we start again certainly were some other things by. Jessica wrote up our. -- -- blog where Andre -- yet again. Yup it is indeed -- just what -- you think a room. Well interest definitely or rent with exception of youthful Windiz and -- he. You know -- to get anyway yes this is just sort I forgot about. I'm very very if there isn't one and Nokia and Symbian. Phone as well. And that's funny I thought everything was really pretty -- amber and and for averaging for tablets and for mobile phones also of the lot and -- from mobile world congress for -- cutting it into a weird thing before CNET give a little space mobile world congress is becoming much more important for. American companies product releases enough. -- -- -- -- Here yet even the even the GTX it's not of the units since the T-Mobile version of the atmosphere. I was reading -- -- -- yet another. Product that we first -- And we also the excellent -- typically in a statement saying yeah you can't -- everything in -- It's so good to see them now. Injury definitely have the moment and -- -- in -- -- -- kind of hoping to get a little bit more. A variety. In. -- shadows so I want Microsoft come back with them -- and Windows 7 operating hand. Then and now at the Nokia rim has really quiet and that they weren't weren't even -- previewing their clinic yet again I think it via -- -- it but honestly it. The smallish mobile -- a yet that -- donated another -- the idea that they had. Olivia Wilde Cunningham and they had -- huge -- they have light they had action they have everything here they had such a small presence they didn't even have their usual. Yeah I mean it's really like what the heck is gone I -- searching my passion I mean -- -- policy Ari a follow her on. -- and it's too I mean. Again I don't know what they're doing and get -- I mean they haven't had a new phone out since last summer gas I was looking. I for some reason I was looking back at the little blackberries and they haven't really updated an evening and again. In a long time and the call was gonna. -- asking if -- -- some questions about that too yes but none of them yes you or your big cuts from the show you. I am -- you know there is a lot more earned. Obviously most of my time is dominated by talking about AT&T T-Mobile -- -- But also you know there is an interesting panel -- that -- I actually attended -- and on the tablets. And talking about. The future and and what they see happening in that was that was cutting interest staying you know -- -- comments that I still. And it's very telling everybody is I think is the rim guy Hughes said. Well you know these tablets are so cheap even kids can get them with they're -- -- what. My kids and a -- and a good. -- and I wrong era. Well -- now I'd like you would anyone like to adopt me they got attractions make my dad I have -- promise. And into -- get that. You know I -- -- So yes I thought that is an interesting that you know in the other thing to bring up is you know. Windows phone seven I think we are gonna see a lot happening with enhancements -- I think it's just. -- -- EO early days I I did a story. In between mobile world congress and and CT IA just sort of about where. It. Developers are and developers seem pretty excited for -- -- that's a good indication. That there's gonna be apps for it you know I talked to some and it. -- handset makers HTC. You know they're excited about. About. -- than seven so I think you know I think we're gonna see some interesting stuff coming out and then reminds. -- -- another thing that Canada formed with that app developer -- and -- -- question Iran saying you know I was developing or ram but -- kind of platform. Nice to be horrible so -- now. Wearing it has made it -- -- And. And I can now you know -- had -- their earnings recently -- that. -- looking great but you know -- I don't I wouldn't say that there. Added to gain yet because they do -- you know a lot of marketshare and -- and honestly. They're still. Probably one and the best devices for business -- didn't you know so on don't count them out just yet they limit -- just lately there's life. As well yeah but yeah I mean it's got -- I just. Can I just don't know if that's what they won -- -- inserted. -- their fortunes again you know like they still need to have competitive handsets and I think -- -- alone can't keep. -- I have actually been Brian's not just more curves and old then. Storm yes. Yet concise -- a -- and I don't -- you -- hear this from readers and and friends just heard anecdotally you know I -- again allot. A feedback from people who are saying I'm. Blackberries are now. But I wanna get something cooler -- What should I get. -- -- Is known about the problem for a long time there's this big push I think they they are trying to make their -- have much more consumer friendly that was when we first saw the touch screen storm. And some of other files. And that just -- hasn't -- -- petered out -- it take all of there research. That was a mention because rim Research in Motion and -- it it holds on that. And switch should -- that the tablet side and so we photo playback but not a whole lot of anything. It seemed ready -- you know I think. I think -- their strategy is is smart in this sense that they know who'd. Their main customers -- business users and the iPad is not addressing the business market and effectively so. They have of -- potential. Because. I think businesses really mean that could be huge for them yeah but at the same time hey ya I think you're -- -- -- it is a risk yet but their number and I mean are they're still number one -- thing in terms -- handsets in the Yasser eye injury has overtaken him being. And. I'm pretty sure -- taken up again to a study talked to. -- yeah -- -- right you I -- they still have. You know -- and yeah yeah yeah and have a lot of share down. So what made me personally I scratch my head I hope I'm not jumping -- -- that was Britain's decision CU. Or provisionally -- -- apps run on the playback and entity and I think of that. It was -- -- and an early winner Erica -- with CNET news read about it while we were all in Orlando. -- basically announced that. With a couple qualifications and caveats. That you would be able to manually run and entering it manually install and run into an apps through third of that virtual layer on -- -- playback. Right I I -- I'm a little bit confusing -- exactly they'll implement this particular. Solution that would have a store a little they allowed to -- environment to you to switch to. Or anything I think if it's more like that it's not gonna be easy it's not gonna be an Internet market and makes its expert that's -- is not an action aware of the that it actually do you have some access -- that. So I mean its its kid that -- allowing more apps I suppose that yet the low margin at the pool to draw from. To get more apps in the Morari consumers drawn -- -- -- to get -- -- of course you get. -- different kinds. Of of app options that at the same time it does show a little bit of the lack of confidence in. Their existing infrastructure. Did -- just an -- -- cynical I mean it did that does that mean you know going to actually that developers -- you know that there on their platform for developing apps is just kind of crap that they don't have confidence that they and and I publishing announced that an -- a lot of us here at CNET who -- have been bouncing around as rim what does this mean it looks -- year I'm confident about your prime time. So it's like yeah and -- -- and you might be giving users more -- they're asking for. Right. But on the other hand you know is -- really open. And is -- even suspect. Paris how many hundred options out there or why you just produce something interesting -- that has your own. You know again going back to -- Business user. Bring -- is considered. -- you know. One -- the most secure. -- blackberries are one in a secure devices that the company's security definitely wins strength and right so you know. There's a chance at business users would still gravitate toward a playbook -- Android. -- limit because they can integrate that better into their IT department they feel confident about the security and then this gives their customers. You know. Another reason to get it because it's more open and making get apps from -- -- that might be the thinking there and name written. Anand said at the panel that you know they develop the playbook with. They're as users in mind my -- you know data and think about. -- scented consumer when he announced that they -- kind of looking app that. Audience well I don't know because I am what I got arraignment they were trying fear reach out to consumers and enterprise users out like. Intrigued me thinking about. How well I think -- yeah right I think nothing happens well they don't well to consumers and I can't -- it -- -- in a -- consumer point of view this is it. Is absolutely good for me because I get an a an amazing looking tablet that hardware looks great the -- it's definitely -- test date. And you get all of -- -- because Android says so you'll have few port you're. Injuring apps individually Huber -- storefront. And once you download them then they'll be running in an app layer. That as there are wrote basically tricked the playback into -- -- hundred -- however. Probably at the -- it will be reading every to bring free apps on -- treatment so they won't be optimize for tablets so in the east and have a problem on -- seven inch screen. -- -- -- But I don't know it sounds -- -- -- in branded as such he's in the fitness selling Grand Slam away and out of it -- -- And -- they know what they wanna do that now -- -- trying everything out there at -- -- -- -- -- anyone out earlier them early and also a -- Though the pricing of the -- -- for 99 fining united -- 99 for the sixteen gigabyte. That he cheated of a 64 gigabyte versions respectively. This is exactly the pricing indictments -- And for the Wi-Fi only models anyway so you know it and they'll be in best buy stores on April 19 in the US and Canada gekas RP ordering now. The prices competitive with the iPad and you name it it does offer -- and the specs -- -- arm processor all of that so. We'll see if it that's a lot of hills new. While we are gonna take a quick break and then finish at the rest of immune cells non. -- Think we're back now I think again and -- the fifth at. And we carried -- -- and we just had a few Myra and -- story that came after CK and they're starting with. Eighteen he and has command and that they're gonna enable the HS UPA radios. On each X accordion inspired four G in April. And scanner -- the back -- -- that -- came out recently that. The radios on these devices weren't enabled so. That was causing really there's -- there's -- wireless -- -- -- yapping. This is a release yet sneaky thing. -- this raises you know customers did not -- -- when they bought the devices so they are complaining when -- Rick Springfield is a slow upload speeds but. We did confirm with -- he after getting a tip from whenever meters that you know they've responded via -- but by. They are gonna turn in time that they didn't give -- -- more specific date -- happened sometime in April cell. -- look for that and they also confirmed that the Samson and use four G will ship with radio turned on right now. Shouldn't have any problems hopefully -- thoughtfully and that -- Bennett and also -- said there are now combining instant rebates in my mail in rebate call. Yes those sprint is -- -- TV mean competitive in this ever seen the nodded in non compete again. It so that -- it has began -- march 7 and -- -- that. Sprint has m.'s commitment to clinical instant rebates no -- -- in rebates for sprint phones at all space applications. Even from -- dot com. Affected in effective after seven and will continue for an unspecified. Time. So this is definitely be a good thing asking a million readers of those -- you knew that and commitment with a little bar code from opening in dividend we'd -- them on -- something -- you ever checked the coming in. Now -- following best -- policy at the bit -- just get that rebate and -- that now the nice thing. Now I heat island if he's not I -- timer music and math book and make money making ploy like -- -- -- -- -- today. It's a scam. And -- got an event -- and forget suspended her when you -- and making them online amber reverend have a photo copy the partner at the dad. Tell that he -- the thing and then take it all is developing an inning and any check on online and in -- -- in the millions in the back because you can include bikes and stuff or something. Anna Cecilia and I forget about adding -- just like forget -- and I can't remember to make my next. Anytime I'm not gonna remembered -- in mind me. Yeah well luckily you've still got to defeat the day even if you can't miss the cut parade at the Peabody man man -- -- and my left and these -- Maggie -- didn't agree with the patent. And and anyway -- -- -- ethnic. Alt alt listening. Four I think -- can get a big thing though and guys that like some Hawaiian thing or something I -- Simonyi I think. Okay so what we're talking. About who I don't know -- Tap out in that if it's. MetroPCS seems to be a little bit of fans -- diagram and just that -- so. They have announced this morning that there is a tap out edition of the wildly and send that they're going to be picking up or -- Will be available the next couple weeks basically it is just like an ultimate fighting found yeah -- bad. It makes my tonight if you -- familiar that I think that it's gonna -- for those brands have is known for. Sort of being in lifestyle brand specific mean -- martial arts virtualized. -- and so what they've done is they've added them wallpaper then an app and really cool -- on the back covers thirteen and changeable and an if you actually take elect at the -- -- -- -- -- Is it which -- death if you look really closely you'll -- cute little hand period. I can't there's agreement on the right and then on the left there's sort of with black and white and wearing an officer of oh and -- she's psychic -- -- is -- top Android yet. Now and ended up and -- that the special attention and and it just and oddly it it's basically the same that it got -- to -- -- for -- 3.5 inch display 3.2 megapixel camera. It's the same. Entry level. Now Android Smartphone. And it's gonna cost 200 dollars with a fifty dollar instant rebate and up without a contract so. When they just call the Jersey shore. And that's what -- it sounded like you're describing you can also assured her name. -- can be permitted to keep zone. And a hub that's brilliant and I'm envisioning opponent on -- approve movement. Exactly. Fail with this discrete and there are all these funds and their -- You know people promoting added in various applications that we didn't see the -- though I'm an area. An additional 20% on merchandise and then a free trip -- staying and -- now. -- That's interesting but all I can -- you start thinking about another phone that I reviewed a while ago from a Turkey via that was a special -- and with the Motorola VE 440. And it had it. -- -- Mr. -- -- -- here it's pan am and it had the absolute worst. Ring -- Hammered things like. -- I don't -- that's a bold claim. Enter in a phone that I've reviewed ever have a I've heard pick up the phone. Should and that's our land and their in their -- and I remember him benefit of light at. And -- -- about cheap tattooed about it ten T. But that -- I think it's. Known in the -- known. I'm just wondering what -- -- -- phone would like it -- In saying I don't all I can then mine I can't think and out of customer yeah I don't think I'm unusual not unusual I don't think -- like yeah I'll tell us is marketing finally. Yeah yeah -- -- and dynamic TJ Maxx gallons had you know -- extra. And it's like any coffee in Augusta this -- he -- -- and an afternoon rang out right when measured -- special. Yeah yeah yeah well. -- hear that manufacturers. TJ Maxx -- for Maggie and bring -- -- it will we didn't have any review. Views just because -- at CT IA and we do have aren't coming up -- We JO I'm taking a look at the Nokia's down from T-Mobile which was announced that seeking a way. To be in the -- -- to not enter it yet again. So that's coming and I also got this incredible asks the HTC incredible as an unlocked version so take a look at that might make it as anything. I'm expecting. Another -- Up to -- the -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I -- -- and Samsung factor for its mobile. Of notable. Example and you know get a break from all these -- -- -- Nice cameras. It. Rule and did anyone have any -- in -- -- And implement its name. Well. Your listeners spend -- min to dialed in at cnet.com. -- -- avoid spell at 866. Or 0262638. And you can check out our show notes and past episodes that -- -- dot cnet.com. -- can check out cnet's other wonderful podcast that podcast at cnet.com. Maggie thank you for joining us banks from -- -- let's laugh aren't very informative. Though. And we'll be back next week named -- been -- so we Hulu -- and then by agreement. Bank.

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Ep. 209: Windows Phone 8 details leak, HTC Sense is too weak

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