Dialed In 177
Dialed In 177

Dialed In 177

Hello and welcome to -- then sits CN -- -- podcasts today is Wednesday June 8. And I'm Kent German here in San Francisco along with Nicole Lee hi I'm Nicole. Just took over and I and Stephen -- produce -- Bonnie Cha is being the intrepid reporter and is off on assignment as we said. We're not there mysterious -- when we're not gonna -- otherwise. I agree with -- yes it would -- Bonnie is often assignments that you and I'll be joining and so there will be no neither be a real -- anybody there -- sort of have -- money to solve. Just does not comment. So it -- next week and we'll have to Gartner. But it is a big week in tech clans and we'll get to that -- a second but first I wanna give a plug -- -- in the -- wants to get a plug for NFC's success and why. They should be on your cell phone. A day I'll tell us your tale of -- -- so. -- -- -- started yesterday and I foresaw that -- current commercial on TV these big guys running around. Using his phone as a paid casting rather than to buy things I did it -- -- commercial. And -- a today in a fit of and I know breeds stupidity I forgot my wallet at home. So -- they can't let it I have in my in my darling you take corners -- teen's dad has accumulated. So apps you having that dumped food -- student alternate. As my part as my sort of -- attitude. How did you get to work. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yes I'm kind of the so called how to allow Imus have lunch of vending machine food -- so does the key senate seat in my -- in the. -- totally just. Bought food. On my phone on our Reynolds or something that's not a pogroms and wouldn't other alternative courses to South Korea in its code teacher published. I didn't call it shows self reliant. On the -- I'm just saying. If all phones and -- -- would. And if people accepted and -- -- to right what the White House just to just telling Jessica that to meet. I -- -- -- and Big Apple and a lot more than I and I value. I want to exchange against but I always -- -- but I always check if an epic and as always it's more important to -- -- -- have. In line beats because the status changed that is how right you can't hire family your wallet. True they -- -- active active. Yes so it. If you're listening manufacturers carriers and assorted vendors. General -- at a vending machine on the stock of any machine -- yeah. Even this time. Because really I I did a test now. The talent on that drink vending machines is there nothing -- So I guess McAuliffe of Gloucester -- -- -- wallets they ministers. -- yours for six. But it is a big week in tech -- -- there's a lot going on Monday was a crazy and seeing -- here at CNET -- constantly to have three definitely with. All of our people from here depending on Brian Tong and few others talking gaming extravagance -- but also we had of course the keynote address that to 2011 Apple to beat the DC. And -- -- -- doesn't that they call it. Younger Japanese -- article. With over a -- the other hand yet again and -- -- a little -- and so we -- art gaming hardware sorry no iPhone five new iPhone four S iPhone four GS iPhone but anyway Colin. All software. Our software. And we did get it now with along with I cloud which I'm still sort of -- We get what cloud is and we did get -- OS five which is of course newest version of the -- -- IOS. Apple mobile operating system will be available iPad iPhone. Three G -- iPhone 3GS. Yes it -- -- its iPhone four and -- -- -- -- So I was 59 -- because I was born mystery. Incremental incremental and -- -- -- an incremental update I called a baby steps but we did get we to get a few features that a couple things that. We've been really looking for a long time when is of course is the new notification system. And instead of those pop up messages and -- I was just remarking human cells on wings are especially when you're. You lose connectivity COM attorney unions that -- or something and then you get like. Not connecting to server marketing email no connectivity and you'd like -- -- in -- -- and it just drives you crazy because of course you can't do anything until that pop up message goes away. I'm already waiting for this to change I cannot wait. Yes yeah and you know. Props to them for exit for -- front of the -- little bit tutoring -- under the yeah we know this kind of sucks it -- so I mean its its -- welcome thing and I think it'd be producing the kind of copying and had a little bit and it's an -- to -- -- doing it and in no only only with one part right yeah -- notification yes yeah -- some other portion nothing like. The animation at the top and -- and that's a little like an old element. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- the stupid thing like Americans and an example -- But I see you get -- -- notifications to get -- calls app updates this team announcements text messages they'll show up on your lock screen when the phones locked which is nice. -- notifications a good thing and -- -- Android does it mean. About it constantly -- that time I just as real excitement. Defense and all -- other -- that I -- by you know and I could also just -- and open the weather app if I want whether. It's not view the value. You're right you do get weather and stock -- well the problem. We guide and new standards which is sort of like bucks says you can subscribe to her articles in iTunes. And they'll appear on your little -- that Mary -- like the stories like this don't think it's a may be a little bit more beneficial for iPad owners I crave yet because -- -- do have those in the magazines and iPad. And -- painted those things right now is typically did individual magazine app you could dial into big wait forever free to download. But this one has to -- in the background it is Weezer of course via -- -- -- includes news and -- -- -- new Twitter integration. So instead of for instance when you're sending if we take a photo you'll have a slick little icon on the bottom -- out of the box. I Uganda option to send to send or post the photos to Twitter instead of closing the photo going to Twitter. Writing your -- it posting a photo. And you can -- Twitter to contacts list and you between direct and -- safari and man. Did you know -- -- -- Favorite social social media yet very it's interestingly it has yet added it did -- have any -- but. The finance it's obviously there's star. There's 2000 child is ahead of the -- of chosen one of -- -- -- reminders to get you to do lists and these can be saying these can be GPS. Specifics so you can saying you know -- only work and then when you're GPS -- the -- on the go they can. Look at the reminder. Which is I mean upgrade in theory about like -- -- is getting -- In look at it really come on Yahoo! -- -- I camera we finally can edit in the camera any. Seeing crop rotate red eye reduction. Two car color correction and you can grid lines pinch to zoom in the viewfinder some -- in that little scroll bar at the bottom. Our focus so. We only for this for one time mean. Every phone in the world seems like the camera controls for -- long time. And being -- the big thing for me to the cameras that you can take a photo from the -- screen. Yes he can that's actually shortcut part of -- right you can. It did little camera button will appear right next to this writer Tom on the phone -- -- that much easier that much faster if the camera and you can skip even. You can even skip a the code -- Cisco password don't use for my NC -- use the volume up -- -- -- -- button as chatter yet as each at a so few -- found somebody gets -- -- -- to information. And some things and mail rich text format in better and in control flagging messages in drag addresses between the two CC NB -- lines. You can search in. Body of the email rather than just -- two from an object. They picked -- yet. And games on -- Buchanan. Simple things -- games that are friends of friends atmosphere -- In its announcement I recommend a -- to gain support for turn based games and you can buy -- strictly games that are. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So actually just council has some good some good insights on this them. So what I message you can basically it's its free multimedia messaging. Taxed as contact and also group messaging. -- -- -- -- -- And -- was introduced in 2009. -- How it a little odd people were saying -- the -- the death knell for being began Blackberry messenger a village only and that. Rim had going for it -- with their flag said -- -- they're edge and that you know what -- it is similar in that with Blackberry messenger. It -- the idea of being able to message people outside text messages with in the Blackberry -- systems though. Apple has definitely -- that and I think it's going to be great for users. Yeah and I think that the benefit of the is obviously is not so much you humanize them because you always use text messaging is -- if you have. An analyst Ide device that doesn't have a phone in it -- -- iPod Touch and those. Element of the device and also this is not at that milk for Blackberry because I don't know anybody who live via a Blackberry. The wife. Specifically for BBN. This is -- -- it's that's -- those those -- a lot of people didn't even -- yeah I mean rim had this huge consumer campaign. To basically. In and spread awareness that -- with a feature that people could you know. The claims that despite this is gonna kill like pregnancy on tweets about this and -- news stories around Amazon com on an -- in -- -- -- for sickening restaurants and it's 99 advocates and incremental updates on Tuesday on me go on a common thing isn't gonna kill blackberries it's itself but I -- it's one thing is not going yeah yeah I think the whole threat. Well it's good for business just like another -- you know kind of -- -- and blackberries and I think there's a lot not nearly one lot of so. The -- -- -- -- of view of storm out of another. And in. Now we have frank that's right that was when it -- -- CEU and water -- -- -- -- -- condemned the of the unions. Are not turning off the interview. So -- -- of the north and then last -- as a PC free so you'll now be able to activate your phone and due over the -- software updates and with how plugging it into your computer India yet so and I just about united announced you. On an iPhone and -- having -- bureau an assault thinks I cloud so. You know will depend on that service and how it works and how effective it is. He is nice the get a phenomenon aptly ends. This is a such a huge deal and it's -- what the the keynote persons in about a lot of people who have these phones. But that -- that's actually that's actually a possibility. You know and it did definitely is Stephanie welcome change. So you can sync you can delete calendar add in -- calendars and create photo edit photos you can do some things that loyalists -- It's really nice considering so many other salmon -- -- Windows 7 does this Android business and then with a -- -- think -- started -- so it's it's nice. So we think -- And then the last couple things are -- Made -- and oh yeah and I'll yeah there's -- tab browsing tabbed browsing and and he added there's a reader options sister. His sister long article -- -- more readable format and Jen -- the real later where you -- our -- there and make it confusing. The reading list where you can tell you can -- sites to -- bookmarks -- -- -- later today. -- -- Does -- good stuff I mean I wouldn't say anything that's usually. But changing but. It is available to -- you can get the development version now. And we took a look at I'll put the link -- the podcast the blog creek and seasoned Green charts. -- -- -- -- And of course there's always what we -- think it -- talk about that. Right isn't this is a much just -- -- -- of a short listed -- some other ones that we've thought of afterwards of course. -- was -- the integration you know some people would say it's a really do use FaceBook more than used -- -- may be dictating and it is not that important to them. Some of the -- it faced a moment Fiji because currently faced a can only be used in a -- which is the iphone's own -- chat client that. Then -- a nibble on it voice guided it to maintain navigation this SP one of those things that. You know and -- SFR a lot of because of Google Google Maps essentially and they haven't been -- -- over to the Google Maps on the iPhone. All because doing it he went to -- Andreas does -- -- those at a competitive advantage exactly exactly. And then that that there is little thing to people on it in the iPhone that -- and it phones have -- widgets. You know those quick glance -- sometimes those who these people -- -- -- the -- screen and then. The -- that kids -- -- with the -- yeah -- in addition to blocks screen. I am thinking you know when you open up the weather app always have like 73 degree -- like at the constant from the media is -- -- I mean how hard would it be to make that the widget. I OS which India have Debian that changing -- -- -- changing icons yeah tubman. Because they do that with the -- to an option that it's changing the agency began. And then application trials -- -- this -- -- thing because an Android has that right fifteen minute then Trout appear when you buying a -- Dazzle those those things that you buy a -- in at to anyone at Benedict paid by attendants. And it. So -- -- 2000 and -- used -- -- -- fuel -- that better Gmail integration with the ones you want -- yet exactly and another nice when would be on the I don't know how about like attaching -- documents. In email bank -- you do that he had to do it from the documents must not a very clean yet exactly about the same thing that photo is if you want to take that at a lake with Twitter -- now. It can take the photo go to the photo and then shared on Twitter there. But I wanna be able to -- -- that email app and then goes and yet -- -- bow and so both ways right it's kind of how did your mind -- sometimes you think about. I don't wanna sentiment being email would allow any email from time. Okay here is my contents and what do I wanna do with content. Lot of options -- -- of -- got more suggestions in the comments. So yes as always we didn't get it back home with two component of an applicant. The only move on to. -- course. Always brings -- comparisons we'll mention a little about this about something a lot of what -- five times -- the I've found other. Operating systems and devices apparently had. And then some of things maybe not -- Jessica took a look at. The ten features that were really covered in the and community queue minus going to be -- -- it's gonna be 200 new features -- missed by many only. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Kind of snuck -- in you know like maybe you. Browser reading his wine but then bad bookmarking in -- to read it later may -- that actually another when actually we are not one. -- -- it always asked is whether that's the case and I've actually asked Apple about and they don't like to answer that question so. Woolsey -- Usually I don't know if they did at this time and I didn't see I think edits your photo on the sites where they you know they always have -- screen behind the person talking and it lists a bunch of it lists a bunch of the features. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And now. -- -- think basically it tactical Nike Canon also lie -- who would urge you to -- as well. We talked about Blackberry messenger by Evan -- back with the precursor Q -- methods the same thing with group notification. Compete. Every mobile platform and -- -- that infrared Windows Phone and Blackberry. All have as forum. I don't even know how are experience has backed by. For years. If that they've been around for so hard it's hard to tell if you've been on some -- started yeah and -- I mean it like with inter rating ever rated. Strategically doesn't include some of these features in it in need of operating system because it wants to encourage third party -- So. There's -- question of well it's available but it's available through them and app but it's been available as an -- for a long time. And so. You know about that kind of one of those ways of saying well it it isn't part of the system. But it has been available and you think -- irony of that yet exactly Apple hasn't had a lot of help with apps with a good camera for the photo editing stuff yeah exactly -- photo -- -- -- but they're not linked to the native camera records them but they're worrying but you've written by the library -- -- -- to help sell and then make. They I found and actually the iphone's camera by itself. It's not the best camera release -- the for requiring everything about when you're out in all those apps. Didn't it makes it that -- -- government -- ninth the him of the reasons was that created it because there's a sort of -- -- I think about Apple's specially because it is developer conference. So during McCain at earth breaths and are also developers which is why you have people applauding and neither giving standing innovations for learning about indentation. And you know old character classes as part of mail. And other really cool and everything -- it. I wanted to give some perspective on and who else has been doing this sort of thing just like. -- -- and I think we got a lot of comments to you during the keynote and from our readers that it. People noticed battle a lot of what Apple was doing was playing catch up. Again. That's case -- second to start its its instrument and just because -- comments comment that. It does so any -- designing. Hold Apple to a different standard in the sense that well what they have to do is different I mean is they have to have things that other people don't mean it's fine if they're adding features that other other services from -- absolutely -- -- -- -- it's great. And I don't knock this I don't. I don't knock -- five -- Disappointing because it -- and more I mean it's great to see these things that it's been needed for a long time. And even Apple can -- things have incremental updates mean when Steve Jobs gets out there you can expect more. When you take a leg -- that I think it's just the nifty keynote and sort of that theaters are covered up as they uncover the banner. And you're expecting -- and really big and it. An authority companies are ideal size and -- the banner. The way the company's doors and -- but when you're -- Bebo they have -- really -- hands. And they grow out anticipation builds -- not the kind of issue if they're not they issue a press release kind of company really. And just throw it out there and tell I think saying -- themselves from the pressure thicker element. Then -- so we talked we mentioned I cloud a little bit and so Apple of course is -- cloud based music service and -- took a look at Google vs Amazon vs Apple and the different. Features that go into and the cloud based services and the pros and cons of each month in the -- find. Right so I -- I have to set to say this it does not tests involve music involves document. And photo stream in the back -- service for all your content aggregation. And activation all of that so -- has come of their new -- -- in the way it's. -- that -- IQ and -- -- clout in the in in -- some of them. Ironically. But one of the big announcements was an nineteenth right out and you that you can access an iPhone and -- -- analyst advice. And you know at a competitive with the Google music be it and Amazon's -- -- And if the human rights to use cosmic if you've been using nineteen -- -- very first day. This is three -- because it does the -- capacities -- -- that iTunes purchases. I teens music is considered basic it's -- beef meat to be voted on I cloud. So this is essentially for the iTunes customer. You you bought your songs not what is on Amazon very few ripped it sounds from CD. The interesting service call write scenes matched. That will clinical scan and match all of your songs that iron. On iTunes but not bottom right and this by the way it was the one more thing this is the one market this was the the big deal. Julie EEI about -- -- right right policy. But unless so that's -- not but I -- -- -- be scanner and match to iTunes library. India are not in that list -- -- Okay and there's a limit of -- about a thousand songs for those -- -- songs. And also. I just a great conceit -- to sixteen EP SE CD and -- -- of stores those as songs directly. But this is an of the -- yet here is I just match it's a service that costs Sony four dollars and cents to annual subscription. This -- Canada think analyst economic well wait lap what ftp for music that variety known instance of the -- it. But this is essentially the Apple's sort of -- to -- the music industry because. Otherwise it's like hello it's free storage volume you that -- -- you -- I promise I. That -- thing is that. This knows there's no streaming -- The Google and Amazon has offers streaming. -- there's no streaming on high mountains just download only it is an honor -- So. It's option you get if you iTunes customary. This is tailor made for you essentially but if you buy a song elsewhere are you one of those people that despite the -- from CD. To deal. Tell him. Such a -- -- to check it out -- hands. Make me. Elective for music -- especially yeah that's some songs are -- for the. Then so that should coverage for about islands and -- -- -- said we will CI -- lists five for customers and top foreign. Hands as far as when we'll see new iPhone woman's. Probably the phone for me thus he has no new and he in no indication -- -- Announced pushing Android for a little bit Motorola. C Motorola CEO -- to target an -- -- an interview last week where he blamed. Android apps have. What motive for the -- was looking at -- device returns -- -- -- and entry device and return it and since it was. Blaming four -- our performance are important apps for performance issues on a call took a quick look at that. Rae Ann and Scott Webster as -- -- of his opinion have to. Yeah he just he just -- that's an 80% of our phones are which are not because of -- the phone's crappy but because of -- -- that apps 70% of the return of the Richardson's -- okay at a time trying to have a little palpitations. So without hundreds about the return phones are because of these couldn't -- untested apps that Drina CP -- And the battery -- ordinary act say. And it. According to him the way to control it is -- moto -- application. Would be hit -- -- If you -- -- a hundred and a sound effect it can get it. At work so -- as you know is this social networking skin has the -- beast the Twitter updates and of that. It's also an -- it also collect information about which applications drive the most power and should then be able to warn customers about that quote -- problem apps. -- -- -- -- -- -- It'll brew apps for her old -- and as well meanwhile the senate thought about that before they find over exclusively to -- and well what little blurs the -- a slowing the phone down and you don't know could be less than the phone also Scott Webster wrote this. Opinion posts about it seeing that. You know I don't think the -- -- is just put user education. And it is a pony. -- what is what he's saying is this that people get the phone. And via -- I'll talk about bad Android Smartphones in general and better performance hands. What exactly. You know how exactly they ran out a lot faster than your basic phone leaders make calls and he was just saying that. What would people jumped a Smartphone and -- -- the for the first time -- needs to be a little more education in this he's not really -- -- the user. More education on the parts manufacturers carriers and -- -- -- about. How we how people need to understand how these phones work. And that when you're on it and you're downloading much straddling your playing a constantly it's gonna drain the battery and it's gonna drink a lot quicker than -- used to. And you need to go in and you need to learn about your settings are applications about screen size about how how long the screen takes guests' stays active. And yeah I want oh you can get Abbott puts moving wallpaper on your home screen and a lights up all the time and isn't a screen well that's gonna during a battery to advance -- photo on the phone and that's gonna affect performance -- Business analysis -- people need to understand exactly look doesn't he sound how they work and use them wisely and I think it's a pretty good piece a couple of comments. And it. Some because -- -- Poor education blame for average users -- programs but it was really is a nice response to her and -- turn. And -- returned to design them perhaps I'm its is a good it's just good commentary is I think it. It takes its adjacency it's just so much -- -- -- -- -- -- same as -- -- It's beyond our control and it's something that we don't do in hand movements and on -- -- -- with kind of ridiculous. By yes. It's a good idea. Then that we are also had and then moving over to windows phones -- -- country and everything here. Jessica covered Wyatt. It's -- -- and Lincoln and -- name. Net Nokia CEO -- -- -- why he chose when or why Nokia chose Windows Phone over Android. Nothing basically this happened at being Qualcomm -- link conference down in San Diego. And -- and up kind of an all over the mainstream -- defends it Windows Phone and why Nokia -- it and there have the opportunity. You talk about -- -- little bed and when it comes out here is it's not really anything new but it was good to hear again. It's likely for differentiation. Are already so many and -- injury camp that this was one of the partnerships. That Nokia could sort of used to their advantage in order to make an impact. Though there are a couple -- like he actually described it as pilings are so many companies piling in to that space. That it would be hard to stand out amongst them and I think that that's a really candid thing to say. Because it it doesn't necessarily mean that the confidence on Windows Phone -- the -- form of sort of thing well. We didn't think we could win there are so we wanted to see where we could. -- I mean I -- -- Batman -- as far as these apparent to me is if it is -- very -- move that has seen heavy. No -- -- really be that that's what small office. And in a small pond being vetted than all -- because -- honest politician advocate yes Joan and me in makes sense. What -- -- but it does seem a little. All of course. -- what about the partnership. Possibly because Al I don't know he used to be ahead of businesses. That Microsoft Business Division. Before he went here and of course that was told it makes sense that why you don't like is -- gonna pay. It's as mentioning peace because it -- it is he's got -- people are really having to. People really criticize an advocate for instance and that it's -- a time and in his -- and now there's all the speculation. That Samsung might be asking a bad thing Nokia. Story of the -- journal today that Samsung. There's a rumor that Samsung is thinking of buying Nokia and the course sense and don't comment on rumors and speculation of course not -- who does Israeli -- I think it's neat but it's also very risky move because Android has is -- is a proven platform and Windows Phone 7 is not quite there yet. So mean. It's very it's it's an interesting move monetize it but I think -- wanted to keep producing phone yes absolutely problematic he -- webos. We got -- -- -- five commercial for a last night on yet audits -- them like fifth fifth. String -- sort of tech commercials that would like ally and followed buying -- Twitter followed microbe to. Why -- -- it adds but we haven't seen. I mean. HP and HP and marvelously when it -- where the -- right where they -- exactly because it appeared didn't really get a warm welcome. Because it is so darn small you could -- a few tiny to actually move around and so again I think that if the partners can keep producing phone. Then I think that Windows Phone as a platform has a better chance just by virtue of somebody saying. I really like definitely the plan and here's another choice me they'll -- to attract. I don't like -- and get another phone in two years. Or whatever. Well I would really like Seymour from both of them when you don't -- So. One last thing before we take a break is that. It's Motorola and sprint haven't been scheduled for tomorrow in -- -- happen to it. It is that's -- morning. And Pacific time and integrity so I'm. Bonnie will be there reporting and telling us what's going on so just -- -- -- -- -- can be owned could be tablet there because he's been pretty quiet here citizens' sprint Motorola and they haven't joined a long time so. And then we'll take a quick break before -- -- -- -- And we're back with the review. Not just next time and it appears that call took a look at the -- -- cross over this is not a -- to phone so it's. -- -- -- -- crossover mrs. so and in Cammie. To this is an pantex first ever enticement from for the US the iPad and Smartphones for -- South Carolina with its affairs US -- And this is the entry level Android phone it has a sweat equity he -- Right here not. Many. Android phones -- pretty keyboards on AT&T'S that is when it -- one of the united net vanity Motorola that's Motorola the the detail -- non -- -- -- and iPhone pre teens he. It's cool but the only thing is that we I've -- in the past that the smallest -- you can probably -- with the statement I just three point one. So it's. Me yes it's just might not terribly split these. No scrolling web pages not than most and experience does have the -- -- But it's decent point and she level phone. Android 2.2 you do get on Android 220 features Gmail. Get Wi-Fi and mobile hot spot suitability all of the eighteen key features on each -- -- and on that. So. It's decent to keep thinking very nice and -- and see you name -- and an easy -- Very simple -- skins and those small I do agree. But XP itself looks fine Android 2.2 is fine for an entry level -- -- features. Megapixel camera kind of a little megapixel but the quality was pretty decent quality for what it is. And -- -- very affordable only seven dollars at the end users. So -- Brigham and I count like I just do -- -- -- channel. It's an even -- -- -- durable but it's not durable in the -- that. You know the capsule was Drupal is that it wasn't -- -- summit of semi durable yet exactly -- yet it that way. -- -- -- -- -- And then we have one W upcoming that's the ATC HTC emerge for humans yet. I've got that. At seven ounces you could be -- and and she has -- up up up and played -- -- So we'll have that coming up -- on before we get to our reader -- amounts we have a special treat -- -- are one more thing -- yes -- 1 morning and so. Richard -- and stars such films as mr. maybe you've heard of and kind of a big deal out of -- attacking. And jobs. And close again -- a -- -- -- he did a dramatic reading of the iTunes and and China and India I was like and you didn't realize it hurt you end user license agreements are -- -- -- reporters roundtable so we're gonna pay or play you a little snippets it's very cool. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It. -- -- You'd still have an Indian it I mean on the cool neat button -- A lot of that can either damage in my personal favorite wow you temperament -- -- things -- It's Apple's software and not for use in the operation nuclear. Aircraft navigation or communication systems or air traffic controls or life support -- Or other equipment in with the failure of the apples -- air could lead to -- Personal injury -- -- the -- and our environmental damage. The cool and well done as -- Dreyfuss. So -- out of romantic says that and actually house and -- -- -- parliament exes he sounds likely to talk. My -- -- -- so yes we are. Yet check it out it's it's pretty funny. And it's that. It also has turned out three Stephanie check in this Friday a -- -- -- that he will be needing it yes. -- -- -- I don't know maybe doesn't. So yes that's our special treat that -- our one more thing. And then we'll get to a few emails we have on from -- was wondering if we had any updates about his reading about this when it's okay and yes. The Samsung nexus S four -- and have mean. Problems with. The in antenna and reception and -- getting updates as we talked but that's an endless -- -- For. And it. I'm unfortunately now -- am sorry did not have an emptiness. I was the town Thursday and Friday. And some network -- and then. Windows and and Mike have. When I think in human operating straight operating system straight and Annapolis -- museum on them today we on the today. We moved to an agreement systems and they turned it. Nonstarter in Hampton -- -- And and I and also -- -- I was five weather -- have nixed a forecaster hourly updates. Or only current weather I hope Apple keeps an option for an erupting. -- functions but I do you want the notifications that are -- the freedom is the problem. So the analyst finally -- the -- does not have hourly updates. And I think email tapping into yet whether supplied by Yahoo! yet -- about my Yahoo! is we have that you wouldn't know attending ten day forecast that but it does not have. Hourly updates I mean the widget itself I think it shows that current temperature and high and low and then you can drill a little bit deeper into that. You -- it but if you want like him like a moral. Us to -- acting as a way channel and a third party and the -- So that's a -- today. Check back tomorrow -- and we have news from sprint and Bonnie will be on hand with regulars and cover that in New York. And -- that's a different thing so thanks for joining us anything else from. And minerals from the panel -- -- particulate emissions and with the found. -- -- Her -- -- -- like that so thanks -- as a reliable tucked in next week every day.

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