Ep. 203: WebOS is Doomed to Fail!
Ep. 203: WebOS is Doomed to Fail!

Ep. 203: WebOS is Doomed to Fail!

-- Big guys it is Monday December 12 2011 and you're watching dialed in cnet's. Cellphone podcast I'm Brian Bennett joined by cnet's very awesome self monitored just -- court. And technical producer Stephen Beecham. End you know welcome welcome welcome to everyone out there listen. So -- hey guys our guests are not there. NR. I don't I don't know it's Monday I implement in my brain I'm still. Enjoying a week and I know -- -- a fully understand and now I guess the weather -- get out there to. We're a little bit of rain but yeah I guess comparatively it's pretty and it can't complain well it's freezing in New York here. I am freezing that's why I am moving fast -- ago. And you know believe or -- I thought this is supposed to be an -- week but it a lot of stuff on on the sweetener. We've got to let's talk about some of the news -- who got. Odd couple stories here -- Sony -- webos. As you know sorry we have -- webos. From HP whether not that's doomed to fail or not -- mean a lot of people on. You know are still diehards you know. Rock Merrell -- Palm -- users in whatever New London the the HP touch pad so I don't know -- you guys think about that but you know. Do you think it's it's us it's a pretty much a dead OS -- something. I think so I mean so so HP basically -- webos wasn't sure what to do with their from the looks of it they released. A handful phones not even that of the -- was terrible. And then there is the Palm Pre three which is being -- just a continuation of everything. That pond that had worked on for so -- really take it anywhere. And then they -- let webos that follow and now recently they've -- that they're going to open source. -- -- -- I mean I don't know fike can really against of that idea. I mean -- -- I mean when the the price drop. You know on the tablet basically that cause a huge bonanza for I don't wanna scoop it up. -- and showed that there's a lot of demand there but. -- -- only demand for May be an inexpensive. Tablets either keeper giveaway is a friend but the fact that people were buying an and then the prices had to be slashed. Mean have you seen a lot of price cuts on the iPad. Right exactly and it was a similar name that rim had to deal with but -- playback. -- fire sale basically -- hundred dollars just to move the inventory and get rid of it afterward at the stock and try to recover some validity I think its -- pretty much figured -- nearly -- -- -- touch that's gonna do another files that fire sell on eBay late next week or something that you gonna get another low level. Production like who knows what HP's doing it just had this big shake up -- their leadership. Yup I mean it because -- -- having them buy webos in the first place. Yes and a -- we were very upset about by that anyway. Com -- a lot of palm diehards. You know one didn't want them MS at their OS they had they love their devices. And I don't seem you know -- going to open source at that that's almost is code for. You know serious trouble ahead on you know it's almost as saying it's gonna be enterprise -- -- You can HP basically using -- they don't put any resources behind it -- don't believe in operating system. And they're trying to kind of salvage whatever they can so I know that Bonnie Todd. It's so sad about this because she really likes webos and it was one of those things I keep saying you know webos with something that people -- it was really great. Really -- really into native. And actually it was certainly easier really intuitive but you and -- and it is different and a lot of -- found it to be very elegant and last. But the thing is there's been no development work on it. And it's years planes so in a way what's the point I think -- should area. I'm actually incorrect in the chat room the fire sale on eBay happened last night thinks -- GeForce and scare users -- it happened last night and they were trying really hard to get it in the commute and and it's. Take if you're not in it -- I'm not getting the. Well read on a -- needs. I think what you should do is if you really wanna get a cheap tablet maybe get. You know maybe get a fire in a fire and Tryon. Route that. And get clean you know honeycomb on there something. Or what is -- 200 dollars I mean that's a pretty good deal you know originally. -- and it's not forty bucks. Yes that's not a part operations and botnets are an argument that. So -- -- when he -- the -- basically -- another thread parallel to draw and that was with Symbian. Basically HP. Turning -- and I webos into an open source platform was a lot like. Nokia turning Symbian into -- -- -- -- or not and work out for Symbian they basically made it closed source. Immediately the reason they did that was to try to. Kick start some development get more apart other partners interested in sort of offload some of -- work to make this viable. Without giving it up completely again it was a solace -- it didn't work for Nokia. -- -- they basically shunted Symbian to be the sort of second tier operating system for lower and phones while they focus on windows found. And with. With HP I mean maybe -- Mark Hurd had some ideas going into it their CEO that he is out now. And -- Meg Whitman is -- and webos could just be a big money pit for them. Yet I betcha that you know when -- whenever a CEO comes and and you know wants to shake things up the community -- to -- -- just -- whatever -- -- Initiatives that were holdovers from the previous. You know -- so. I mean it's true I agree this is basically just writing on the wall and and and in -- webos is pretty much going to be hand you know -- -- last. Expanding. But lets -- you know that's okay let's move on though in that lets talk about the some -- -- news we have that. Basically AT&T U. And possibly Verizon -- going to be testing a four GL TE -- -- -- media phone. So me believe me it 800 -- and yes that Nicole Lee and I took a look at. I don't even know -- -- -- a month ago who write something like that so that was Nokia's first major witness found. Yet and it's like they're basing their payload. Windows smaller halo product Korean and also the -- -- Windows Phone 7 mango device worldwide. Com for folks who caught the news on a -- -- world. -- and they announced that phone. -- -- about a month ago I believe and then it was a beautiful device gorgeous with that multiple colors that's a very similar to the via what does it. In and a N eighty right -- Android and nine. And nine that's right there's no need yeah it's an international -- -- found on the meego platform which is open -- Right -- -- business is close source this is windows. That's right it's as close as you get. But out I think Apple -- mark okay that's different but you know the funny thing is there are Carlos -- -- thank. With. With this device and webos -- being open source. You know remove duplicate meego and and look at now now Windows Phone 7 -- does have -- five. There's talk about how he could end up in a lot of low end phones -- worldwide and sort of folks who don't have premium Smartphone. So you know it remains to be seen you know how well it'll actually do -- -- -- partial pick it up but if if this is the case. Is that I don't believe the via this phone has actually been announced to support -- -- you know. -- is a GSM device. Well we knew -- it way. Man I used -- to Nokia here in San Francisco they actually did something really cool and when it was announced at Nokia world in London. The same day later in the day thankfully. They invited all of the reporters here in the Bay Area to come down to their Sunnyvale California office. And take a look at the devices so there -- that Nokia let me 800 in the Nokia let me -- -- So we -- -- to take a look at that and they did assurance that there was going to be a four GL TE version. Maybe not necessarily of the leukemia -- 800 but something similar to not. And for the US but we didn't know as if it -- continue to be GSM phone or if Verizon is looking at it. So it is really heartening to hear it up behind the scenes Verizon and eighteenth you're testing them out and that's I think it's basically you. To Nokia's strategy. Hello we've been seeing all odd that -- anything they need to go big -- go home in the US and part of that is. LT eat so this is going to be it if this is the -- Well it. I should say. -- isn't quite a strong possibility that this phone will be the first four GL TE windows found. There are are ready windows phones out there about support forgy on the -- plus network. Which is kind of like a souped up three G network. But growing yet so it points -- -- yet yet I feel like windows found a Microsoft is on this process has. Of do we make it or not what kind of operating system are going to be three others -- -- which has -- And also like you -- saying -- it does lend itself to sort of all the variations. -- super premium Smartphone to mid range to starter Smartphone. However if they never release hardware that can compete on the same level as some of the super premium phones -- I think that. That basically channels them more into the mid range and lower arranged so what Windows Phone needs to do -- Microsoft and its partners need to do. Create at super premium handset that runs windows -- Kind of show everyone hey look we can't do it and a four GL TE phone by Nokia with a really interesting screen -- -- It -- pretty good specs otherwise. Will sort of beer I I think it will help make the -- -- Windows -- going forward. And maybe help some of the other us art and manufacturers. Get in on that as well. Right I mean they really need to halo devices. And set them apart and and really draw customers you know who would otherwise be checking out on possibly going to -- -- -- Or arrests or one of the top tier. You know Android devices like -- -- -- -- to war or even you know so on Verizon at Detroit RAZR. Motorola lower. You know. Or even the nexus Samsung galaxy nexus on the needs they need some kind of device that would be that caliber. -- we really get interest in that job in that platform. -- that there are some -- those phones actually are approaching that. And I we reviewed the HTC titan and then also the Samsung Focus SI -- -- as well and that is basically the Samsung galaxy asked. 24. -- Windows Phone instead of for -- -- I think it's a great phone but it still isn't LTE. -- not hours they don't have they don't have amoled screens like like via. You know this device which allegedly could possibly. You know that that day and 800 a sort of a mere 800 does have an -- and displayed which is gorgeous -- beautiful. So you know and also this is the vice itself is extremely. Just so distinctive looking into the rounded edges and even though it's as a sort of plastic. I've coating its just a it's just beautiful feels -- hand. Com and in announcements cameras -- Well I didn't contradict you buy it but it does actually have a super amoled plus screen that -- apps. It does app four point three inch and and then it does have an amble and screen. But it does look really great and they have different looks to -- oh yes that's right my point on that lenient. I 800 is it's really shiny and it urged. On the screen itself kind of get it right like almost like a little bit of a bubble. I -- surface tension and everything and it it it does have a different look but they both benefit from being a pretty beautiful there. That's right I think it's the yet to tighten that that hasn't LCDs yeah exactly this act. But yeah I mean the you know they need it and it looked at a device like that set themselves apart and drive customers. That while so I'm guessing is -- -- Announcement that's what I think it's gonna be. Yeah and I would be that would be pretty big -- -- thank -- it if you're gonna take bets are gonna come out on AT&T Verizon or path. I say both. At the same -- And yes they both -- the same time bomb you know cause you know AT&T is a -- -- launching -- and rolling out their LTE network as well so that would be good timing. I say AT&T because AT&T has been -- -- -- for Windows Phone and -- -- Verizon intends to play it safe. And that will that they'd like to go with Android as well -- they have such strong. -- they need to Emerson IQ and if if the Nokia phone is cool enough that I think they would go for it but I think AT&T first so -- and -- and Harrison via. Right want the C rule known a few weeks. So I and actually this month and accessory your idea to trust me CES really is only a few weeks and I and I like. -- 829 they use something like that oh boy yeah. Unbelievable -- before the storm. It'll be fun little refinement degree lots of cool news Hampshire will come out of there and everybody listening you know be able to check out what we see in an obvious -- -- so. Looking to looking forward to it not just because it'll be in Vegas. You know which can be good or bad -- -- But yes let's what's the next bit of news retirement -- -- and their four GLT plans. And -- now La in its opening up the network in -- Los Angeles -- I gap seriously so it it seems like they have been soft launching four GLT various places so I was shocked about in the videos -- the review is. How we can't test the speeds the New York or San Francisco because the party LTE network was launched -- -- a couple days ago it looked like it had been soft -- and keep overseeing the four GL TE. Sort of icon on the top of their phones. Unlike in the notification menu. The memos and and a shocker and yet and at the same thing actually happened in LA. -- right. Right wow so -- and I I do need to update -- article and actually my photos of and found he sent as screen shots mean. And basically thing four GL TE and then I heard from her that she also -- in San Diego as well. So -- popping up all over the place it's popping up it was definitely there. And -- Kent -- credit here as well -- grabbed a couple phones. And from my desk and in went out and -- them and I think he got it on the skyrocket and not on the nitro so it's definitely. Often on right now. But it does look like it's just watch which is pretty exciting. For everybody who has one of these phones and it also starts. -- get ink heating up the competition more between AT&T and Verizon president still has the upper hand there are leagues ahead. Have their networking is likely much faster the speed here from LA. Was almost sixteen mega bits per second for the download which is pretty dead. I was really and here I mean my friends and -- Verizon influences compared against. But here in San Francisco I did -- -- speeds of 22 you actually thirty mega bits per second. Wow. That -- let's -- the phone didn't explode them. -- did start smoking a little -- but I justice and m.'s. -- -- -- years I don't know. And so those are some pretty blazing fast speeds especially compared to its SQ plus which feels I think for me feels normal because -- used to reading a little while. On the way my firm is able to you -- play video like YouTube stream that an error no hiccups neutrally as whatsoever. So. Good luck. Good news for you if you're in Los Angeles San Diego San Francisco and possibly other markets and you know -- -- for New York Yassin and soft -- for you guys and you -- some things and it's a screen shot. An excellent. So on let's move on to the actually should be maybe take a break first you know it's an -- -- back with some headlines. -- -- -- Alright guys are back in your listened to view the dialed in podcast. And -- were just senate take a look at from the quick other news stories that happen this week. Com and today. First on the list we've got the -- Simpson has not said that it. Has broken -- record now has sold 300 million handsets. That's that's a whole -- That's pretty amazing -- a whole lot of them and that's mostly TT the Samsung galaxy ST -- -- dip to spruce available on them almost all the carriers. Except for you know one. But they're getting back -- to access the -- that's true they have their corner the market on on top 100 -- apparently. -- in the US and then -- riot. Verizon actually -- it is rumored to be hooking up with red box to provide. Web but video on line. And that would compete with Netflix and -- that's according to Bloomberg's you can check that story out on our site. That would -- political story. -- I mean more options to get video in and high quality video -- phone anywhere. Is always good. And died you know now it's a holiday season. Ivins and -- you guys haven't been around for -- presence in Britain and things to give to folks and we don't what do you do when you have someone who. -- is a tech person and really it's a frozen and devices but you know. How do you get them something that you know other than the -- phone or tablet. You know you don't wanna pay for a whole service plan or whatever so there's actually a couple things that. If I wanna take a look at we have a whole holiday gift guide. Where we are showing you know basically all of the odd little accessories and stopping stuff -- you can just hear. Smartphone inclined friends -- and yourself. Force her and out right we are so what took a look at. The yet. This macro lens. That attaches a view of rubber band two and basically economy and a wide range of Smartphones it's kind of a low tech high tech solutions but to. It looks like a rubber band and it looks like -- even pulled open your door and X shared ask and you pulled out a big thick rubber band -- used to close newspapers. And you just stick it -- -- found. So that's exactly lands like you put it over a year camera -- yes yes it's it's. It's it sink it's like brilliant but just crazy I mean. You know what an amazing idea. So I just fifteen X. It lay out that it even better at. Looks like an overpriced -- -- -- it if it works batter and that would definitely be a really good stocking -- error. Birthday present our holiday gift for anyone. That's true but yet you know if you wanted to take a look at more ideas be sure to check out the -- guides all over our web site cnet.com -- cannot escape it. It is all over it you -- you'll have to impress everyone with the items that are on the. Now the pressure is nine cents for a group believe it or not are all these high end and they're here but iPhone three G as is still shipping. Strong even though there's iPhone four and iPhone four -- And Apple is project -- that they will ship two million iPhone 3GS units worldwide. -- That's ridiculous and only like -- nine censoring. Some. Real data is being given away for free and then they bumped up the price to ninety and 99 cents forget it looks like -- -- person and that's what it's geared. Yes exactly but that's. A pretty good free phone for somebody who doesn't lean -- to have the top line. I have I have three and it's awesome but I am getting bored I'm ready to move up becoming old episode three seasons -- But wait for the you -- I need to iPhone 5. You just have a crush on Syrian that's what it's all about how he went in and -- because this actually could point. She was going to you be upgrading he's gonna be skipping like -- found levels and it's gonna blow his mind -- probably will not take a couple days off of work to guessing a member cover example lake. Yet home learning at playing with it for the week probably reading so alien to put -- back -- and now -- that the -- -- that and awesome. Well in new revenues now we have a report. That's Sony Ericsson is working on dual core. Phone called the -- moves on me. This is unconfirmed but. You know this would basically. -- -- dual core excitement to their lineup which you know. If you seen some of the phones they have found now there's a Sony. Ericsson Xperia arc and the ark asks which are sadly are not to -- -- -- -- Qualcomm snapdragon. So we've got a report that says that they're coming out with a possible tool or phone. This comes out of a seen in Australia so we'll take a look and see how that develops but. You know for those who are looking and and there are diehard fans of Sony Ericsson. This could be if only one check out. Okay especially if you also care about the camera because it boasts a twelve megapixel camera. Which again does not mean that it will be a good camera it just means -- will be capable of taking twelve megapixel shots. More pixels is always better moment not -- apparently benefit. Yet the lens -- optics ruby have a huge impact but you know -- well. -- -- A -- to -- would take. Iris supports how do you upload that you know in and you -- you -- to the -- fast connection to applaud those photos or USB -- -- -- -- remember that speaking liars don't wanna -- with wires. That's old school. I took a picture of my -- For some reason I'm Sharon Bachman -- had gotten from best buy this USB. Word that you plugin and it basically has -- -- -- like fairy lights on them. Blinking in all these different colors so Michael why -- confuse low light and so I -- that it may take a picture. I have -- at picture again because I realized -- cords everywhere now granted they were almost all -- -- For my phones and and also -- -- docking station records but it just -- so bad and I knew I was gonna get harassed if I uploaded back. Check the that is true the -- benefit yeah I mean I you know. Definitely you're having a camera. On your phone so it's it's such a hot topic these days you wanna move away for Obama panorama point and shoot camera that they have a pretty nice -- -- -- -- So you know. Definitely there is a lot of demand for a really -- camera in this. So hopefully this'll so proved to be the one phone that really has an awesome camera that that really true replace -- -- Which. -- -- -- -- the chat -- -- Sony Ericsson is teetering but their designs are amazing I have to agree. And actually -- did you review -- the Xperia arc asked. That's right I had to strap review edit -- posted on in the just moments ago so it's up on the site it's the Sony Ericsson Xperia arc gas this a follow up to -- -- Which are we reviewed -- about six months ago and I S it's a very nice phone. You know gorgeous looking it comes enough for different colors -- correctly we looked at the pure white version. On this pretty nice -- not just reliance -- by pure way down and even know that best -- that in the it could mean I should have put that in that well yeah I mean that unity becomes that there's a that's -- -- name actually. Yet one thing -- you know I asked we asked that Sony Ericsson. What's. The S stands or in art in in the couldn't tell me which is an instant I don't know what it stands for Saddam super styling maybe. Perhaps I think that's what that should. But that basically you know it's you know it's almost identical to the -- -- In that it has you know. The -- a single core processor except it's now up to one point four year -- was one years but you know. It's not it's the same -- megapixel camera it's believe. Those who won a camera and it's nice photos and everything it's it's really good good low light performance. -- though it's an unlocked phone on believe it's about to a 400 eaten. Fifty dollars if memory serves though you'd have to buy from and replacing it through Amazon war. Or we've maybe best buy as well but on its -- -- -- paying a premium for this device but its ultra thin it's it's a small. A much smaller screen -- -- -- -- seven inches. Are really wished he could see this utter another planet about hopefully the dual core 1 -- which. But also adds those to be called -- experience -- could be called the experience outrage. Yes it is found I would love to see that in the US subsidized by -- and network. Yeah I -- you know I think its high. Anything with the -- -- cloud and it's time would be you know that you know. It better have some sort of like sunbeam user or some of the on the back. In -- You know I -- I I I don't know I. Cloud cloud computing is such a buzzword these days. But it really is important to have Tom access all these services in. You know in place and have really good camera on your device really thin. Form -- -- can actually put in your pocket. Some of the monsters on on on. Android especially. On carriers is so huge like that. But what that that the the nitro that was four point five inch screen. Have but I didn't find it particularly thick. Yet -- -- just wide and you know your trends that when you're intoxicated you know. Sometimes you really just won a three reports and it's so -- check out the review on its up their now. On cnet.com -- You know if you wanna pay that much premium device on it only operate on on AT&T'S network in the states but. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I took a look at the -- TC wildfire asks. Again not from a stick -- it like quite boring from Apple -- yes. Three GB that's what it is that. It can -- for super her second. Anyway I am so this is a follow up to the HTC wildfire and at the MetroPCS version it's also been out for T-Mobile -- US cellular for a long time in two different colors for us cellular. But on MetroPCS. On the phone does come in -- lights. And I checked it out I mean it's it's the same as our other reviews more or less it's. A very small phone. At 3.2 inch HV GA touch screen there's a five megapixel camera flashed it does run on -- a slower 600 megahertz processor. I am which is still in Alpine for Simon does not. Super -- -- it was an irritating me lagging. And it -- -- -- 180 dollars without a contract which is pretty bad the thing is very well built because it's HTC. Which doesn't necessarily mean that it is but it is in this case inched its usually has very nicely crafted pounds and that's when it is. And I it's readying Android 2.3 gingerbread. So the problem of the screen size of course is that makes a little bit harder to read harder to type. On but it -- not bother everyone. Especially if you tend to have it's it's slightly smaller hands are very good precision. Of the problem for me is that MetroPCS is network is -- slow. And MetroPCS does have -- -- from an impact -- remember they launched the first four G network in the camp that was not a -- -- as the Samsung craft. As a feature and and they either have -- GL TE which still isn't blazing fast and they also have its if you don't have that they don't really have EG a habit to pre nineteen are so it's release I mean there's this big -- in between -- And I think -- becomes more more important. I think that that's really gonna hold the back so it's good fun but it's disappointing to see it. With much slower speeds and you might find yourself waiting and waiting and waiting very patient prefers sites to -- so I am and fortunately. I have a hard time. Recommending it to anyone in except people who are already -- -- -- U MetroPCS is network. And you don't have a problem with that and are looking for smaller phone then and this one definitely is it that -- But I don't mean an amended anybody seeking -- new phone on any network in as if you don't have any network constraints. And then I would recommend looking for it elsewhere Kinect -- -- B you know the big deal is that I guess you don't have a contractor can walk wait a moment and you do pay a premium upfront for that you know this disposed of when not like and -- -- lower and mid range even. Com. You -- -- I mean it's like and a -- entry level limit -- yeah that's like right in there. It's not it's not that exciting but you know if if you don't wanna get on -- contract and you know and you -- -- -- -- -- you know forgy. You know the viciousness that everyone's talking about. You know you can the entry level the -- price it's not too high. Com special when you just walk -- any moment. So yeah I mean you know it's funny because actually a lot of these carriers lot of these small. And regional and prepaid carriers are -- turn off some really cool stuff. You know phones that you would have thought you know. We're tougher line about a year ago are now and a filtering down over to these guys so you can get the power of Android for pro -- -- Are pretty low entry price. So wanna do one take a look at some of the -- emails. We have. Probably enough time to get through one maybe maybe -- emails today. -- area. So this first emails from -- from Alabama and says he doesn't spend a ton of money but -- against the Smart from game. Licking at the Motorola Atrix two and -- some pretty positive reviews. It says is there something wrong for it as to why its price -- cheaply and specifically -- RadioShack. And got very little publicity when it was released. After their original -- The world on fire not even a year ago. So basically. We did have the Motorola Atrix -- review and give it four stars as an excellent phone. And -- it is is definitely a bit of an upgraded its product for wearing three inch QHT display dual core one gigahertz processor. -- -- PA plus support eight megapixel camera. At 1080 Ph.D. video every 2.3 gingerbread you get -- idea so it is a good phone. However. I and and it was well priced from the very beginning like I think 99 dollars when it first came out on AT&T. So I think part of the reason -- couple things I could be happening for small it is an upgrade sometimes -- -- phones don't necessarily get -- publicity. Even if they're dead just because they're not quite as exciting New York we're already familiar with the Atrix -- Atrix two is -- Atrix and then a little bit more. And I also know that sometimes up behind the scenes there are negotiations with budget. And the carrier and a manufacturer -- -- come together to the table. And they sort of decide how much of the marketing budget is going to be going towards marketing the phone and how much is gonna be going towards the subsidy. So probably not marketing the phone as heavily means that they were able to subsidize -- a little bit more that's because the phones are subsidized through the carrier. And that means that the carrier is buying the phone for less than. They would ordinarily quiet force at the mentor -- him and the carrier. Both you know lose a little bit of money and that's that they negotiate to -- the prices will be itself. Yeah and they're also probably you know try to figure out exactly how much demand there will be for a phone like this is the original matrix you know had a lot of hype and it sort it. Seeing quite a bit com for that you know dock in all of the accessories and. I noticed that all of those -- I mean the -- turned out not to be quite at school -- -- however all of those are her. Experts superficial extras that you can have an -- on I should also -- that they -- two dozen on the fingerprint and there is rice's flight shutter lag. -- buy it I think basically you're looking at a really good phone and if you can get it for free for RadioShack. -- -- -- run panic and it is if you like the phone already or funny AT&T it fulfills all of your requirements. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And then. The second email that we can get -- you today was from Jerry and he's been deciding anything back and forth with me over email. Deciding between the HTC resound in the Samsung out -- -- And he says although the galaxy nexus appealed to my minimalism -- -- CS looks kind of geek cluttered chaos. So. Also kind of plasticky. And has computing hardware is does he doesn't like the shorter battery life on the -- on the other hand. He deeply resents NFL mobile and other drug that. Verizon has not found an out -- -- there -- usually a pretty bad about that album where you know most of them are. And -- one is HTC likely to come out with anything else -- And CU -- the Samsung galaxy nexus how Verizon's junk on it. And basically. So you -- -- what -- options are and Verizon. So again the carrier in the manufacture come together. And that manufacture has. There apps that they -- -- that in their business agreements in time as they're apps -- -- -- little -- from government manufactures HTC -- doesn't -- so. I don't think you're going to -- -- and you won't be able view and install. However with its cream -- you will be able to hide icons that you don't once. You'll be able to -- -- installed apps completely but you can't -- them. So that will be coming to resound at some point it will be on the galaxy -- for sure when that launch. And so it it kind of solves a problem. If that helps. On and then just in terms of -- TCI I think that. HTC Samsung and Motorola all -- -- phone manufacturers. Are kind of writing down right now they're gonna be gearing up to announce more and see -- Of course such as -- in the -- are gonna come out the week after CES in January are likely to see -- starting to trickle out maybe. Late January. February march even -- sometime right. Enhancements that are announced don't always make it to the light. -- In a lot of times lot of times and I -- -- -- Yeah exactly like the you know the manufacturers amounts. Hardware -- at C yes but they mean it's a -- with the carriers because frankly haven't even gotten approval yet I'm for which carriers -- sign on those with a product. But at least -- -- -- some new for a new view products announced at that show and then typically. After. You know that -- -- yet CT IA agent in March. Typically either tires jump on board had Turkish press conferences and what. Phones will be. On which you on their in their lineup and and you actually seen and where they actually and a it's kind of annoying but you have to wait around and but at least get some idea of what will be out there on within the coming year and you know what that the technology which will be. You know I mean I think I just want to add my two cents and really quick I think a good idea is to sort of take a look at some of the hits -- -- has dual core phones on mere bunch to prepares. To see. If they will eventually get -- -- -- -- on the road. That way. -- you can get it a pretty cheap and a good deal on a Smartphone. And also not need not have not -- -- -- by the time. You know for the rest of the year you know if it's gonna actually get to -- and sandwiched around town and right now those are most at a higher and -- Right. Though are some of them are getting pretty low and -- -- Nazi mobile I think it's the algae. She two X I believe that. Or GGX two always confuse -- stupid thing you know that -- first dual core the first dual core phone yet that one is actually I'm a few. Weeks -- I checked it was -- -- hundred dollars on T mole on and there's definitely. Been announced plans that LG phones are gonna go to up ice cream sandwich so I think those will be -- for will be included such a pretty sweet deal we can get really nice and a once top line phone that's really cheap and will have a place where. You know -- -- keep -- running for the next year. All our rights so have we reached -- into another thousand podcast I think we half. Because we have on that was quick and now -- -- so much fun. You know definitely will have more news talk next week. If you want to. You know reach out to us with any questions or concerns anything -- talk talk to us about. The free to give us an email -- -- dialed in at cnet.com. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 866404. -- 4022638. We are not a voice -- awhile. I know we played them so this -- -- Yes I mean facts as I don't think you're gonna -- but. But her voicemail definitely an email certainly I'm also check out the blah blog at that -- dot cnet.com. In -- account all of cnet's podcasts on podcast at cnet.com. Thanks for listen everybody we'll see you next week.

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Dialed In Ep. 218: The Final Episode
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Dialed In Ep. 218: The Final Episode

Dialed In #217: It's now or never for Windows Phone
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Dialed In #217: It's now or never for Windows Phone

Dialed In #216: All about ETFS (early termination fees)
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Dialed In #216: All about ETFS (early termination fees)

Dialed In #215: The agony and ecstasy of Mike Daisey
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Dialed In #215: The agony and ecstasy of Mike Daisey

Dialed In podcast #214: The iPad '3' shines a light on the iPhone '5'
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Dialed In podcast #214: The iPad '3' shines a light on the iPhone '5'

Dialed In #213: Wrapping up Mobile World Congress, not wires (podcast)
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Dialed In #213: Wrapping up Mobile World Congress, not wires (podcast)

Dialed In #212: Mobile World Congress madness begins
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Dialed In #212: Mobile World Congress madness begins

Dialed In Ep. 211: The Mobile World Congress lowdown
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Dialed In Ep. 211: The Mobile World Congress lowdown

Dialed In #210: We kinda heart the Samsung Galaxy Note
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Dialed In #210: We kinda heart the Samsung Galaxy Note

Ep. 209: Windows Phone 8 details leak, HTC Sense is too weak
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Ep. 209: Windows Phone 8 details leak, HTC Sense is too weak

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