Ep. 33: The show where everyone loves Android
Ep. 33: The show where everyone loves Android

Ep. 33: The show where everyone loves Android

Honeycomb playbook and Paris all that more in this week's edition of Android atlas weekly for January 27 2011 and just smack -- alongside him on Goodman. -- -- -- -- Austin today good news today via. -- tailored yet interest in new. -- to spend that into it then. Our those of -- -- starting out talking about com with on the tip of everyone's time. Honeycomb. That's an ethereal it's not that that the called honeycomb and cereals and -- And a and importing that Syria is wrong. Though what we know is that. The FDKs. And it now and there is an emulator that and that you can actually download here developer and there are clearly weren't really -- -- -- -- I mean we all secretly developers -- I think anyone is using -- -- at at this point or listening to this show. Is a developer -- -- one of the yet but -- though what's going on here would only played with it. -- and I think -- biggest feature. In the emulator. Is they've -- slowness. Media. And flown it yet -- -- -- editor although it looks pretty is incredibly slow -- Pretty much in use at -- slow him. Certain things that the browser. Just doesn't work with -- fresh every time not optimize berg did -- -- back to optimize for users benefit of the doubt there yet. I mean all emulator is 400 have been slow but this one is particularly slow and buggy. But. You know people have done through this and two was released three of the features that are in this release and there's some pretty interest in stuff from there. Com a lot of the new features are really focused on developers in making development. Easier. For -- and faster and really focused -- tablet which is -- -- -- So running down the list new UI framework for creating great apps for large and devices. -- tablets. And probably also TVs right. High performance two 3-D graphics. So. Notes as it has a built in GL render at the lets developers request hardware acceleration. So you know this is great for games probably energies more visually. Stemming. Apps in general. -- support for multi core processor architectures. That's pretty important one given all the multi core. Announcements we've seen -- the -- that. Free three point no you know Android wasn't even using second core. Our if it wasn't built into the core -- probably in May have been something that the manufacturers would have to. The -- their own sort of you know back info where -- take advantage of that though now it seems like it's rolled into. VoS a you don't need to reinvent. -- -- -- -- Well that'll definitely be important this here. See rich multimedia. One and a big things and -- have complained about a before is the video support specifically around lives. On -- but also from the ramp -- Com and they are actually -- the HTTP live streaming protocol. Which you may remember for such things as IOS -- says this is the sort of adaptive -- -- over HTTP. Video streaming that I OS has Don and I think Apple. Invented it and and publish those acts committed that is the standard and now -- is sort of adopt in it there's some. Questions about how there gonna -- this and -- for example supported. Him when Apple does with it's 264 given that they're -- Come on for full force towards web and am now. -- -- consider in the -- -- HT 64 out of Chrome. Camino real and as I mean for entrant. That they couldn't -- the bigger question is within the inferred for Google and I think that. Based on and their last action. They're probably gonna continue in the direction of maybe using myth. With the webcam. Now with. If. More standard -- 264. Cat and mouse at all hope I hope not at least for handwriting -- hope they keep 8264 sports to be nice to -- at one street in the works for. You know Apple devices as well as -- It -- nights in twenty ninth. You can of -- of public. The -- standards there's also new. Connectivity for a Bluetooth. Though there's going to be a rewritten -- yet for -- -- DP audio streaming. And the eight just -- -- that protocol. A profile. So basically. Making it a little easier for you to connect to or wireless audio streaming devices and they could look like -- there's -- as secure -- connections though. For simple things like wireless headphones that may not have screen -- -- -- in Japan it'll be easier port connected those things. Without having to go through. Against the extra step that you would normally have to preparing. There -- pretty interest in because they. It already supported these rated I know it's -- two DP it did. But there's. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- It is disappointing technology will elect the Alley full advantage of the Bluetooth is an earlier standard more like a Bluetooth collection of suggestions -- because there's a Bluetooth profile for example that has been around port since the beginning of Bluetooth 2.0 they'll likely allow it to send -- -- to a -- device so you. Pair your Bluetooth collector car you should be it was the artist and album information and export. Nobody uses that. It seems like I don't know if they hit the head -- -- was. Used in order the phones just don't -- the information. But it's like it there you've gone through the trouble fitting a buddy of spinning wanna do that at the Bluetooth reflect that but I mean. I get that -- -- the key is secure socket also opens up connect to -- two. Some of those. Low power use Bluetooth but three point oh devices like like for example a pop than a month Nike plus that uses Bluetooth whose but it doesn't actually use a pin -- -- -- if you go through there entered through it rates it uses in secure socket repairing it. If -- -- in the you know mission critical data. The profits of -- me we'll start seeing Bluetooth accessories like that for injury. The -- being. The -- if the next kind of techie. Developer the updated in a -- enhancements for enterprise. -- -- allowing. The injury the last to roll in a lot of the things that'd you know -- -- -- -- -- -- corporations like -- -- -- their -- use -- Or corporate devices like encrypted stories password expiration mediums of -- -- White -- lot of security stuff from their. And then a lot of new UI enhancements. That -- -- the -- Lot of fun stuff. In and some of its kind of hard to. Understand exactly outs nor can they actually played with that which is kind of why we were trying to -- emulator. It they're gonna have a system bar. Which basically replaces the notification bar. Lives at the bottom screen and this is -- it's gonna have all of the and in which call those action buttons. -- soft navigation -- -- you back. Your home because they've removed the requirement to have physical buttons or even those have -- explains. From that. The three point when you're using tablets. The basically put -- on screen now. Ray. Yemen I think we're gonna see a lot of tablets and -- rumors of them without. Actual. Buttons. So now they can actually be used. Right now what's interesting to me and and after playing around -- hospital know exactly what they're talking about here. But of the action bar. They're saying the menu area from injury -- become the action bar and then when I understand menu area I'm thinking when you're on the home screen you -- the menu button that -- -- like six -- four buttons that pop the from the bottom of the screen. They're saying that now the action bar. And that it's gonna be context sensitive to things like navigation and our widget -- you know. There should be a lot more information in there we played around with it -- -- -- -- Bought with what they were talking about it was kind of rich and it had things like turning your Wi-Fi on and -- often. -- it because this here -- here announces at the top of the screen and -- numbers so it there was -- little. Menu and operating and quarter the drop down. That I think was context sensitive to -- app. But we did see this other menu is what you're talking about that -- it was -- like almost a power control or. I think. And Samsung phones when you drag your. Task -- -- whatever that thing is from the top. Down and actually even like the third party app that you can download for any phone that -- to -- input here power control bar and a bunch of other options. In your notification -- you know pull down menu and it kind of mirror that. So you wouldn't have to go back looks like he wouldn't have to go back home screen. To turn on Wi-Fi. To do -- download you can just pop up this -- -- from the side. Looked like. And turn on your -- -- Very because I usually leave GPS off until I need to check in on foursquare in an Apple and the -- and in turn GPS Thon and log back in portrait with. He's in but there. Look like they've got. That going on. -- -- Criminal Pacino was actually plays so they have also customizable. Home screens have added five -- -- on -- Probably not super exciting for most people because I think at this point most games have this built in in some fashion. And a lot of the custom launchers as you can download allow look -- -- -- -- at like seven or nine home screens you Google's increasing there. Recent apps the thing that you normally get. Come on your standard -- phone by holding on the home button that pops up the last six read -- use now look at the dedicated button and it will likely show a screen shot preview instead of just the icon -- it will more dissimilar to Windows 7 now when you drag on the -- parts as you preview of each window -- Tokyo and keyboard which in my opinion looks exactly like the Vietnam. -- -- -- You cut in pay -- way to evaluate the new keyboard has a dedicated emoticon button and doesn't the regular keyboard already have dedicated emoticon button now while. -- -- There's of the standard I don't know on the finger -- always being dedicated emoticon button and usually that in the bottom break in corner -- them. I don't know my HTC. Incredible doesn't have. I know that actually the Samsung epic four G for sprint has a physical. Dedicated emoticon but -- -- included -- call that here. So statement a copy and paste looks pretty cool but as you call said and they are -- -- release this is right and look relate. The same copy in a 10023. That mean for those the please if you should be it would depend on the an ActiveX or any sort of and you're pretty well and that's the only one right. Including and then also connectivity for -- things like connecting a USB camera. USB -- Bluetooth keyboard then Bluetooth and Bluetooth tethering. And built in one -- at anyone that. I think the keyboard is is pretty exciting and you know if you hook up a tablet to keyboard down. At you know almost computer that yelling if that something that you can have to -- and yet and visit. Rate and it basically allows you have yet again me hear your tablet into convertible. Just by buying it -- capability Bluetooth keyboard and exactly. So in addition to those UI features -- up. Dated some of the standard apps that browser now offers tabbed browsing which is awesome. -- currently -- mode. And some redesign. Browser bookmarks and -- a single unified view. Says automatic sign in for Google. Sites I don't know what that means maybe since your account is associated with the phone you automatically get logged in. The glory to me -- found the -- lake exactly what it it would it would be. We'll make sense again in the but after re login to Gmail recognized -- the -- in a -- Multi touch gestures for JavaScript. And plug ins. Is that multi touch Republicans are just the fact that they'll have put them there's -- -- -- -- maverick look -- a -- the comma usage. Rumor has it that it could be either multi touch for -- event Allegheny -- people I guess they're either way and poignant. You know says that they're gonna put him I don't think we really applicants I mean there is flash which is kind of attitude that's what they mean multi touch for playing the -- of a flash. Apple that threatening and it supports two touches don't get that there interest in -- and a class today does not promote it and it's hone in current. NASA's new camera interface sort of to take advantage of larger screens he's really taken -- of the -- And there aren't enough that who -- I mean there's very few tablets that he did she leave but that's -- good. I actually think -- for augmented reality that the vehicle -- -- me. Or to -- landscape pictures and redesigned contact apps. Two -- fast scrolling. Contact info is presented in a hard like you. Email is updated with a two paying you -- Certificate -- -- iPad. Implementation of the Gmail for web rate. Is pretty cool we'll put -- them drag and drop thanks Leo and on the yet ticket at a drag and drop team -- a lot of places actually and in here. And one -- it. We didn't talk about. In here that widgets. I'm. The battle lot of functionality to widgets including scrolling -- in -- -- -- have that we had seen at CS. And -- into on favorite new feature. The honeycomb bug. And varied. Convoluted function and a very -- and spot. And I basically says you like would think would again for the honeycomb icon and it -- -- any injuries and emerged and the for more -- to be a film short. And of a school or you can just view it here -- you're here and you'll have to go through April. Then tested there you go honeycomb. And that sell it yeah I mean we think -- finally actually see it whenever the -- comes out. -- -- -- -- Lot of exciting stuff there right Italy -- -- see how some of those things that eventually work on phones because -- a lot of it is really targeted at large screens and -- they're making use of a lot of the screen real estate for but soon get it you're gonna panel lose. Well did premiums they -- you may be able to. You know because I've -- custom build of for you. That have on screen buttons or you know. The biggest hardware that may not happen for example -- CES and audio bikes and injury based had wrist monitor. They obviously you don't have buttons there so what they did -- they built the -- into the the bar across the top. And you'd be of the hit home up there -- hidden menu up there so. While in the reverse be possible where you get rid of the buttons on the bottom bar and you physical buttons and situation where they meet the better rate of -- But I'm speaking of phones and weird hardware. What's going -- -- this. PlayStation suite laser -- yeah we're also near ready for the PlayStation phone. And then what we got was a bunch of PlayStation phones and -- sort of brain eventually though is it. Seems like it -- software package that's gonna be on. Certain Sony Ericsson phones. I think he can be on any phone. -- so I think the deal is. That PlayStation suite is a hardware. Neutral -- framework. To bring PlayStation experience standard phones and tablets. And so basically. I think you put this framework. On your phone that you're developed -- him then you. Get it certified by Sony and then once you get certified you're. Able to put the PlayStation store which I guess -- have just the PlayStation market lose essentially. On your phone. And I'm so the phone -- we've been hearing about this Sony Ericsson exterior. Play. Time is expected be the first of -- were gonna see this on. But I think that we're gonna see this on potentially non Sony devices as well. M I guess this required standard two point three's the minimum which is not too surprising. -- president may be you know it doesn't require relic honeycomb given all this and graphics stuff that they're adding -- don't -- Well maybe they're ruling a lot of that -- -- mean if they're basically it looks like. This is that you're gonna be able to download from the PlayStation store and then that the that what -- -- called -- decent classics. Are gonna be initially available some -- -- -- PS2 PS one games rated with those they probably have to roll their own. Sort of you know emulator. Into this sort of PlayStation. -- You know software package so you know it'd -- freedom up a little bit from requirement the padding. You know that sort of processing. -- -- -- if horse power being built into honeycomb. Com -- a said this they're gonna deliver the suite within this calendar year and I guess more details will come out about this and more specifically the Sony Ericsson experience playing next month that mobile world congress. To stay tuned to CNET and -- -- transfer. More news on that. Everyone. Loves. And accurate I think is kind of the theme. But this week and everyone gonna be able to running -- it everywhere. It's so there's rumors this week. That that Nokia. This CEO of Nokia. Stephen EU law. Said this week that. -- he is so when you say well does not fully coordinate he -- need to change rapidly in the fast changing marketplace. And to consider -- multi eco system patterns. Down to basically had this quotes the when he was talking to investors and the investors and Wall Street Journal -- -- reporting that. They think he's had -- -- team that Nokia is going to switch to Android. Verses but they're currently running. Symbian. Right right and this guy comes on Symbian has payments there thing ray -- if they're away and it's still. Huge outside of the US. -- -- -- for non Smartphones -- It's got a pretty good chunk but -- if comes on the but he'll like -- that Symbian dropped to -- 37% market share. A last quarter vs -- 45%. Last year. It until -- -- -- Nokia -- mean in the US market has just been decimated right. They -- You added -- you know they'll have a significant chunk of the market anymore I think on. Either in non Smartphones are part of the -- -- network -- Let yes so dead that seems like pure speculation though a lot of what's happening in the story I think so but. Let's let's assume for a second it's true look at the effect on the global market I mean I think -- would sort of overnight dominate -- I mean if assuming that everyone who had a Nokia phone went out and bought a new Nokia phone that same day I don't know of period. If it -- -- significant. Maybe overnight is is a little -- spent. You know. Just give in the market -- that Symbian house worldwide. If that is -- -- looked at it as the upgrade path offer you know. -- all of the you know outside the US Britain is also -- assuming that they're gonna upgrade all the phones to Android as opposed to. Maybe offering an Android phone among their -- operate this thing. Multi -- system patterns which basically means hedge your -- -- having maybe injury becomes they're smart -- play and Symbian is there. Feature phone -- Again -- -- more you know manufacturers. Using and parade is -- spur competition which is always good for the consumer. But I don't know if it's gonna make that uses. Not gonna change the -- a market -- overnight. There's already plenty of competition in the injury. Ecosystem the if -- It's true it'll be itching to see -- I think this is definitely at this point -- pretty big rumor. You know I can see that into group is probably. Salivating ruled that the at this here as bizarre as it sounds that Nokia is looking at tinsel the tremor he. -- in an Android -- even more bizarre is the rumor floating around that Blackberry Playbook. It's gonna have some sort of injury -- integration with don't know what that. Com so it I think rim has always had. Java based apps -- are always had a job virtual machine. On there. The phones are at least one he could -- and so they need I GBM. On the playbook as well and so when they're looking at it you know the rumor is basically they set aren't we needed PM why -- -- used that -- that. Virtual machine which is what. The and -- one is. I don't think yes because they run that -- -- machine means they can run Android apps look. Baum says picked it -- to do additional work that has the rumor is that they. Are gonna choose pelvic and the pay or have chosen -- and you'll feel it running under about. I don't know using. What are emulation is quite the right word that potentially. Commit it I think this would be Adam. I know. -- didn't do it for hand to -- certainly but I don't know if it's good thing for rim. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Not a very good it wouldn't be in their -- interested in she can -- but that way. Prove -- I mean that you know. They are not known for their -- rate and when you talk but the Blackberry it's known for medium to hook up. It's known for BV am. And it's known for a really good email calendar integration link when you talk to people what they do on the Blackberry. It's these days -- -- -- right now so. You know. I don't think ditching their own -- strategy they lose a whole lot because -- just don't have a huge ecosystem there. As as far as I've seen that embracing. Your competitors. I don't know. And it just seemed like it makes it one of the things about app stores I feel and I experienced this -- with stone. He's to have an -- -- -- Spent like. Probably in the course of the years. Seven dollars and apps Paris games and whatnot and an epic pets died -- -- time for me to buy a new phone I almost got and I phone. Just -- that in want to lose those apps that Larry Page sports though. Having your own and artistically with Cheney's -- yet like having your own marketplace it builds loyalty. I'd look long and hard -- the -- before in building fiddling on buying an invert on the that in one of lose the investment that I had -- Rims market place as small as it may be it also is still doing a tiny bit towards. You know building that sort of brand loyalty to somebody -- -- be bought. A Blackberry app that they can't live without. Would think twice about switching to an entry phone -- an iPhone. To me me me how it part of the best. Example you know gazprom's market that the -- that. And haven't done -- -- people wouldn't spend that much money on it but. By using any great have you just make it that much easier for you jump ship -- -- the next revision. Wolf what's interesting here that that is definitely true but this is a totally new platform -- That has. No apps when they longed for it in an avenue and -- but this gets them. Hundreds of thousands of apps sort of -- at the gate. Which maybe is is what they're looking for. An -- that at this point it's a really big rumor com. You know and apply for me is that engineers. Philip and dismissed and -- with pure speculation but if you do wanna run. Two platforms of apps on your phone. What could you do did you do -- PC world actually have a story about the HTC HD two now -- Thursday. The phone came out I was super excited about it -- -- Agnew and windows -- -- and that really the hardware. But I would love it if they were entry phone. Those. In a big guys over at the -- -- developers -- Tuesday at this kind of really. Cool development site a lot of interest in things happen over there as far as America mobile -- where it goes. Have figured out a way to dual boot a windows phone seven and Android on the HTC HD two so. These two OS is you can decide to need to reboot the phone is a windows phone recruited -- a list. They use the same partition fifty cards the to do anything of what weird swapping going on there's kind of a nice way to have the best of both world. I'll admit that I kind of like windows phone seven in -- faith. But added. Still. One and windows phone seven phones is actually for me very -- thing. It's very -- -- but not easy. Now unless you consider 22 step process with twenty steps in the grand scheme of things and that that is -- depends what the steps are. You know if it's like that one pick up your phone. Now. Download and install this office use partition manager. It may compact but it actually got there the YouTube video ended in the post -- -- -- teach you the role of steps. But -- the the preview slide is any indication that the London video long paragraph. As to the card and your phone and put it back in your PC -- -- the card repetitive side to side with the windows we -- -- is kind of -- I'm looking through now lot of just that. But you can do it -- so it it's interesting to keep people have -- doing he's insisting -- -- these cool things with hardware and and really make -- on their own you've. Have an HTC HD two and you just can't stand windows phone -- The and you can mean is real growth of whether you're gonna dual boot or not you -- -- and -- and -- and it does. Everything that often get if you do this it -- -- call ring your phone into the studio we'll so off. -- -- -- -- And I don't have time for twenty steps maybe three. Or four and get -- for 21. That that's -- -- in -- who that he professionally over their -- Our twelve coming up after the break. We have talked before about 3-D phones but now it looks like there are -- Already read -- -- We talked about rumors that -- at hand before about three G phones in three camera phone and stuff like that it. Now LG has sent out invitations to an event at mobile world congress on February 14. And on the invitation says LG plans to quote -- -- there's very take us into a quote new dimension. DreamWorks Animation. BC music -- along. So. The speculation here is that that means that they're gonna release the -- phones. Specifically maybe the LG -- 3-D. Whose name was found this week on -- Dutch web site and subsequently removed. I know I mean had believed that this rumor is probably true. But. It's not -- treaty phones. You know that if coincides with. If another stories floating around the Internet of in a leaked in -- presentation slide. That would probably be shown that around the world congress. That outlined the takeover route map at the tegra two the figure to 3-D and then moving on to the -- three. So that I think there is some creed in that can be linked to this. And think. Three phone. I'm not really know why you won at -- -- display that small especially in light of I think I've been hearing that the Nintendo three years has been -- people headaches and they can go crop side because of that weird kind of when you're left will -- -- last with in this last -- with three. There you go and. Yet I mean I think for the most part and I don't I'm not I'm not a big fan of 3-D in general but. -- I'm thinking about -- now imagine the new Google Maps reconsidered rotated incident sees that. The read these street view. The think the thing about 3-D that always strikes me excited that the third dimension stopped at the -- of the boundaries of the screen. There it's not really like here staring down the street kind of the mean I mean if when -- popping up. Off but the screen maybe you know thinking down into the screen like looking through virtual window perhaps. But I just think that the contrast between. When you're sitting in a movie theater in your looking at screen your entire field of vision is essentially filled up with the screen. We've got a small device in your hand you've got a lot of periphery going on that actually happening in real greedy. And that the contrast between the virtual three it's happening on the screen which are actually seeing it I think is what makes people go cross eyed. -- and there was this article this week. Posts from buy it. Hebert. Did you read this about how three the his -- -- like. I don't know Academy Award winning sound recorder editor -- this is that treaties can fail and doesn't make sense and goes against millions of years of biology. Okay. So I don't know -- -- million views about the airplanes but but but. Okay well. I mean -- -- see what happens I'm still waiting for holographic. That'll be excited. I am not interested in any event -- I -- in -- then what interest to them I'm interested in. The old school side Kate -- -- -- about this last week about the sidekick potentially coming back. As an Android phone. -- this week we've got rumors floating around that. The sidekick may actually be a Samsung device. Those Samsung -- of manufacturing the new -- new sidekick. For T-Mobile. And I think it's actually the it would be running some sort of birds of injury to OS again. All sorts of speculation going on here but I think you would be really cool. Yeah I'm looking to see that -- come back. I thought yes there at that there's not a whole lot saying like you know we talked we talked about events last week. It's you know I it's a little -- for Samsung to do it just because they. Jester release was -- -- four different phones. It seems like there. They're kind of changing their strategy like you really like the strategy that they had whereas very simple they have the Samsung galaxy S on every carrier. You and then now this from the diversify and and I get him back to the situation like. Lump there followed a link in looks like there's actually at a sort of a picture of the galaxy S four G next to the site -- -- -- And I mean it hit the it and look for it doesn't look like it has that sort of routine -- flip out screen at the old sidekick was known for that actually. Even a real picture. It looks like it could just be the another. -- variant with a slide out keyboard but looks very similar actually to the the galaxy and the epic four G it -- -- at first print need -- PM and I think if it doesn't have the idea. Flip out keyboard it's gonna lose a lot of the sidekick fan boys I think it's just again team oldest owned the name sidekick. And they just wanna put it on some things. So I mean if the may have been actually -- -- is just another bone and there -- -- called sidekick yet at the author of inadequate artist and and a bunch of money promoting that name and getting it -- -- name. There's also the fact that people who want to thank music where a lot older and the public in line and -- -- -- that no -- something better when I had grown up your phone and Monica idea. I'm -- a quick note. Have. Google I O 2011 and schedule. So this is -- and use an accounting isn't there's session on the schedule. That is developed beam -- -- apps for Google TV. And so we definitely mused that this was -- them. Didn't have any time means -- have. More confirmation that will actually see Android apps sometime soon. On. Google TV. -- -- you know I am thinking maybe raises more questions and answers as if they around how they gonna do says. Out market. You know they're going to be separate tablet section a separate TV section and is it gonna be universal apps that can run on all three. You know -- interesting. I feel like there should be I don't know if -- actually been there and probably gonna get a ton of email thing it on your TV should know this. But I -- -- there should be some sort of a tag it there is this the -- -- where the car app. And we. Got a little bit of -- hinted that. When they released the new car home. -- certainly after pro yet it came out they released the car home map as they. A separate. Standalone downloadable module and there for those that don't know the car home is actually the kind of custom interface that you. Would see on your in brief phone when you accuse him in the car -- -- If a little bit more pared down and it only really shows thing that she would need to use in the car. When this came out they mentioned that there was going to be some sort of a way that they -- -- -- that car apps. So that when you went to add them to the quick lunch in the car -- home. It could take you quickly to just mapping apps or something like that we ever see that. No no the only thing that show up in the car apps -- you are the official Google Maps that and maybe some hands free calling. They have been the voice dollar and whatnot so. You know if they could add some sort of a tag on the back in that says yes this is the injury market at large. But this -- car apps in the sense that he -- apps and when the install the market on Google TV maybe -- market only -- -- that are appropriate or TV and it lets you install Angry Birds. On your screen because there's no touch screen. Yeah its steam well -- -- latency there. What. How they'll filter that mobile talked about in -- at least fix that in the -- and actually if they're not already -- that the free idea Google yeah I'm sure there have -- them. -- are right here is an exciting now. The IRS has launched apps for -- -- iPhone or an app called IRS to go. I gotta say. Don't autonomy for this. And looks totally. Well it is cute well file your taxes on the meadow beneath you -- to me I'm. It. You can check the status of here filing. That you did somewhere else. And that you subscribe to email updates of tax tips. And you can follow that Twitter feed of the -- All things you can do outside of the -- probably more efficiently. It seems like you'd installed -- step on your phone around next time you me get a couple text fifth and then. After April you're probably -- install in the -- -- well you have is sitting around on your own the data ports -- the all of them on Twitter and have the text if there. That's true it's that I don't know I mean. Since then the spokesman for Lara said this phone app as a first step for us -- look. For additional ways to expand refineries and Smartphones and other new technologies to help meet the needs of tax -- That actually there is a pretty cool app. Benefits and greater -- OS. But I think it's from Intuit where you can take a picture. If your phone -- W two annual calculate your tax is based on the or at least as an interest. Aimed -- And I don't know -- out of no -- to be doing my taxes. On the phone. This -- something where you take a picture. There -- with a webcam on your computer you do it there sooner. But doing -- thanks for your phone to -- play completely. Completely can you be doing your tech -- train. Like well -- I don't know maybe if you just wait -- last minute is Lego man -- -- it did you drive the post office that'll do taxes on my phone. On the -- are there out opportunities in the Google cloud -- later than. And. Well you can file it again if com. Manager for something rather -- Android. Was on a panel this week inside social apps and he sort of at this panel took a lot of flak for. He stayed at the -- market. And why they rejected certain things one and I have been that payment and also to do things. So we thought we help Eric out and give him are a list of top five ways to fix Android market. So. Start off influence. Start with the first one more sorting options specifically. By reading. And -- -- you can do do your regular sort of -- search and just punch in some words and have some things come up but the order in which they come up. It kind of magical like you don't really understand. How they come up in the -- -- command you can sort by most recently updated you can sort by only five star -- -- some sort of a way to got to get in there and easily get granular with the fares would help people find things are looking for a lot more quickly. Certainly. I'm all for that one. -- aren't so that's why and me -- little controversial but I'm gonna say do more screen iMac so I know we've all praised Android market because it's open and and anything can get in there and the not you know there -- Steve Jobs look in over every single -- America. And that has good and bad things and I don't think they need to go to the extent that Apple goes to that. Com. You know it's sometimes it's hard defiance of the official app for any given brand -- -- even has this problem or have impostors jumping in store all the time. -- my -- CNET news you know so there's one officials CNN news app but there's ten. Knock prop up knock off maps and because there's no sorting. And for other reasons it's just hard for users so you figure out what -- I'm possible mean you could use search operators like club. But I mean most people don't know how to do that -- now. -- But then I think also beat the the filtering is clearly in place because that they're in trouble -- in birthplace. With the story -- about -- to consider rejecting things from the market. -- rejecting things that threaten their business -- -- -- Willy Nilly but I mean I guess. I guess earlier this week popular Craig's list -- Craig -- Thank not a partner after -- nothing but if the Craig's list that. Was pulled from the market -- -- without any explanation and then obviously -- and these and the sisters of them and -- back on what is this morning at. The united there's clearly somebody. Who's actually doing some sort of filtering by -- will they be a little more transparent. Aren't so up next we have really ego and do this because -- to them. They'll either need to be some sort of -- it along the same lines of screening in bolstering. Maybe some sort of cultivating of an app list the best list or editor's selection. I -- you get those things on on our site comes in that and other download. Dot com -- and there's a lot of death with a list of apps but many within the market with that though there's no. Sort of iTunes ask. Top ten most popular apps there's no sort of you know. There is no next or it just seems like. The apps and look around and and -- -- go probably I'd give us a call will Tokyo the disk until quarter someone on mobile team and you just have the CNET -- them right. I have until then had immunity of that there's actually this -- start it over on download -- which is a good list of really cool -- -- you should start out with it he just got -- phone and we got a -- of of the list like that. But yet there's nothing like that in and coming from Google itself parents. Been through here -- time. Let's see so auto updates is great but what I want to know is. When an app -- auto updated I'd like little notification to say hey reacted to sap and here's the new features and because. If you don't look at the new features. When you sort of manually updated map view to -- never can find them again for as I concern -- and. If some -- get by this -- mean for example. After it. If you sit Astrid to hide the task manager -- -- he said it's automatically update -- -- but then on the next. Time you open the -- -- actually pop up a little window -- says hey you've just got an update here's what's new so. And maybe -- school meet that mandatory so that after an app with updated it showed you sort of like a change law and words you could. Then opt out of or even opt into. That -- That would be great do it. And then the final thing is desktop browsing. And -- -- and that's basically. There is no I mean of course you're gonna get people who say that you can use that -- for this but there is no official from Google Wave to. -- apps using your desktop if you just -- to -- -- on -- website. They say here's a cool lap you can just. Go straight to that from your keyboard -- your computer in and push it to your phone. They used to be able to do that the rat -- -- -- the latest update. To Android OS actually disable that sort of push at installation. That the good opportunity for Google stepped -- at that themselves or by upbringing here. They have a pretty good well organized -- for a right the day it seems like you know live. The giving Google already has the -- and for the market they don't need to buy -- bring in they just need to use the information here we have and the technology they had had a third of you know push push notifications area there -- download an update should not be hard to implement. They know -- that's -- Google so we expect to see those and we expect to check. Here -- input every American faulting its worth at least 10% of the gross revenue from the targeted print and share from everything Google does. That -- move on very quickly to emails. I'm last week we were talking about. Again and you know -- I was asking about using his third of food -- POP3 count getting push email on the -- we got a couple of responses. The one that we got in actually that we're gonna read comes provide Jake in Boston. Yeah he says paraphrase this on let's -- -- these basically what he's saying is that. If you get a Google apps account. You can then use your GoDaddy domain name. In your email address in the -- just basically use your Google apps account in place to decode -- email -- you can get push from that through Google server and I'm sure your -- apps account will be far superior -- godaddy Google -- -- carrier anyway godaddy and fear they. Farmers took the episode. -- -- and -- Com. He gas proto -- that played at and and then actually get past the through polling in and pulling. -- POP3 get better email and and nothing that works better. For email on -- then team yet Google's own. Next email. And it comes in from -- The -- rates -- -- says hey guys I was wondering if Motorola has actually stated how the first zooms will be upgraded four G I thought I -- -- -- -- -- your three G1 and they Verizon and that's why about it and it just here's hurting in the subject. And in fact we have I think. We talked to the Motorola at CS about this. And they said there's going to be a software update and you will have to bring your hardware in in the swap out the three G -- with the four G and and a. It two sides -- that new hardware and new software by the didn't say if they're gonna charge for that are not new and but you'd yet. That they're gonna do it. Which of course begs the interest in question of this how easy is it to swap out the antenna and varieties in and you come and he could get a cup of coffee come back and the experience and -- lautner -- they're gonna need -- for overnight or is it send it into the dressed in two weeks later no news ticker tablet back in our more in the next technology comes out if you've still. Are hanging onto your Motorola zoom after ten years we you do a -- five G. Or -- even a -- of self. If you want it you -- It's a lot of interesting possibility there when they start basically saying that the antenna in this cat modular. I had a. Super on modem a long long long time ago and when the speed -- operated on a modem -- send you the came with this kit with tablet category on my little -- -- -- the and it can with a screwdriver you that he would pop them off and the new and samaritan. -- -- -- You know would get shipped to 336. -- these yeah. -- Ago than it -- different little crowd around your laptop and Cisco -- -- -- sensitive. The look at this and downloading it three KM second this JPEG -- to be downloaded any minute and a -- -- that -- ASCII art anymore new. All right that's it for email and that fit for this week's show. But if we do have an email. Send us one that Android -- at cnet.com you can follow us on Twitter Android -- watches every Thursday at 2 PM Pacific cnet.com slash who -- -- read our law cnet.com slash Android -- for -- show as well as all sorts of Android goodness. And that's only after this week. They care -- the next week.

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