GameSpot's The Lobby: The best still to come in 2016
GameSpot's The Lobby: The best still to come in 2016

GameSpot's The Lobby: The best still to come in 2016

Gaming Hardware
[MUSIC] You've already talked about the games that come out this year. Yeah. So, let's talk about the games that are yet to come out this year. Yeah. They're coming out the future. I have this in some sort of chronological list. I probably haven't incorporate everything. Apologies in the vast internet, but let's get right out to it. First things first, no man's guy at August 9th. You're all excited? Y'all ready for this? [MUSIC] Yeah. [LAUGH] You said it, yeah. Yeah. I'm cautiously excited. Right. Cuz it looks really ambitious, I'm worried if that's gonna be a detriment. With such a massive universe, I'm worried that it's Sacrificing substance in the process. I hope they prove me wrong, because I'm really excited to play it. I'm curious. Yeah, I think I echo those worries, I guess. What about you, Peter? I'm curious, but I don't have high hopes. And I don't think that's worried. I think the game is not going to be as creative as one thinks. Really? Yeah. I'm really excited, the thing that I enjoy from open world games more than anything is exploring. So you don't need that much. My requirement of substance isn't as high, I don't think. Like I just enjoy faffing about. I played World of Warcraft for years, and yeah, I got off the point. and just rambled, but Yeah, I guess we'll see. Very soon, August 9th. And Gears of War 4 is out later that month. What do you think, Peter? I really liked the first Gears of War and kinda fell off. I went back to play Judgment and thought, okay. But this is just kinda more Gears of War, like- Gears of More. Yeah, right? **** that's good. [LAUGH] But I want to see what they can do, right? Like it seems to be the time. This'll make or break Gears of War. It this doesn't work, there's not going to be a Gears 5 and I bet you they know that so they really have to put a lot into it. So I'm hoping there is that urgency and it pans out. I'm a huge fan. I love the first. The second game I adore. Third game I thought was really good as well. Judgment was the one that kind of burnt out for me a little bit. And I got to say, I really want this game to be great. But nothing I've seen in any of the previews has made me particularly confident. And even playing the multi-player beta, I think they did the really good job of making a Gears of War 2 style multi-player beta But I guess I just don't want to play Gears of War 2 multiplayer anymore. That's just it. I mean, it just, the series, like you can always predict it's gonna be more of what it always has been. Yeah. Which you can do that for a lot of series but, especially something like Halo and Gears of War, Yeah. I feel like both of those series I'm kind of ambivalent to because it's kind of like I've been there done that. Yeah. Maybe I'm missing the details, but Maybe there's an audience that likes it somewhere, but not for us necessarily. What do you think Mike? I played it at E3 and I'm actually, I think, a little more excited than I was. It seems like it's kind of able to get out of its own way when it needs to. It was a very measured campaign mission I saw. Not the demo at E3. I played something different at this Xbox media showcase and It took us time in developing an atmosphere and tone. It felt more like there was horror overtones now. Right. And I actually like the characters. JD Phoenix, JP. I don't remember his first name. Phoenix's son. Yeah. Maybe Jr. Maybe they can pull something out of that. I don't know. I'm a little more excited than I was two months ago. All right? What's going to be the best father son relationship, God of War? Or Gears of War? GOW or GOW? Speaking of father son relationships- Sure, why not. The Last Guardian. It has a release date now, I guess September right? Yes. They just started October 23rd, is that what it is? Yeah, like 2 days ago. Okay. So, its still not later a year actually. What do we think about that? I mean, questions on quantity, I feel like no. Its unknown but, the way his past work can speak for itself. I think, when you cut me, trying to figure out what to expect in this game, it's going to be very atmospheric. It's gonna be very fellow cue that communicate. Well most games try to communicate through over a dialogue or something. I just, I think that this game will be special, whether or not it's going to be amazing or worse be a 10 or 11 years to wait for. Right. That I really can't say, it's really hard to know. Yeah, sorry. I jumped the gun there. That's coming out October 25th. So let's rattle it back to September time. Final Fantasy 15, September 30th. Yeah. There you go. Very, very worried about that game. Everyone I've talked to about this seems to be like super worried about it. The first two demos they put out, it was kind of encouraging cuz it's like okay cool, we're getting a slice of this game we've been waiting for and it's competent. It's doing new things and it's for the most part succeeding at them. But then they showed that. And I hate to just take one bad example when you call the game out. But the E3 demo was awful. There's no getting around that. Not even just the way that person playing the demo performed. It just looked like a really poorly constructed boss battle. Yeah. And then VR is showed. And then everything when I've heard who's played it it just sounds like it's a joke. Hm. And I worry that this game is sort of. Like trying to do too much or? Maybe trying to do too much and just relying on spectacle. Right. To sort of be it's main selling point. Cuz we know how combat kind of works. We kind of know who the characters are but There isn't a great sense of how the game, how it all ties together and I think that is going to be the bigger thing and if the details there in aren't good, it's probably going to be problematic. But I hope its great. I've gotta love Final Fantasy. I've been waiting for this game for a long time and Tabata is a nice guy who seems to know what he's doing, we just have to wait and see. Yeah, okay, let's shift from the world JRPGs to, I guess, the big easy, Mafia 3, October 7th. [LAUGH] You all looking forward to this? I've been very interested in what they're doing, it seems Like a unique setting. A unique character. What do you think, Mikey? I really like period pieces in games. I remember L.A. Noire despite all its faults. I still want to play that game just for the kind of setting it created. Did you like the Saboteur? Yeah, I also liked Saboteur. I like that as well. I liked Assassins Creed before it got pretty rote. But That's what I'm mainly attracted to in Mafia III. And that sounds like it's a cool character, the main one. It sounds like it's dealing with some pretty heavy issues. We'll see how they actually execute on those. Yeah, we'll see. Yeah. But yeah, I'm excited for that. Battlefield 1, we talked about it already today. October 21. Any interest in here? Well, I know you're interested, Mike. [LAUGH] I'm super interested, and I'm someone who, I don't don't really care about Battlefield as a series, and Doom is, like, the first Doom and Titanfall are the only first person shooters I've actually really enjoyed for a long time. But, watching these guys play Battlefield One today. The setting looks right, the weapons, the vehicles, all that looks so good. I am very excited to play it, actually. Let's talk about [UNKNOWN] as well, cuz that's actually pretty quick after that, October 28. Yeah. The following week. A campaign, I know. [LAUGH] Who knew? Yeah. Well, I guess that's was what everyone was asking for for the longest time. Excited about it? Definitely. There you go. [LAUGH]. Me too. I like Max. It's a fun shooting game otherwise and there's a lot of great mobility. It's hard not to love that game. The first one especially. It was the first game that started off that big wave of yo let's make first person shooters interesting again with movement We've kind of had a lot of it now. We've had riches in terms of that for the past two years. Be interesting to see what they can do to sort of, I guess, reaffirm their position as the head honchos with that stuff. Yeah, I played a couple of matches at E3. It's really fun. So the titans themselves are like superheroes now. There's ion, who is- All the attacks are laser attacks. [CROSSTALK] It's attacks. Scorched, flames so it's really cool. Like Vince San Palo was saying that- Robot Wars. [LAUGH] Yeah. Their saying there's a big- Matilda coming out. To go back to [UNKNOWN] fighter, they said there's a big fighting game influence on it. You know like you start to learn. [LAUGH] I'm sorry. Hear me out. It's like Dark Souls. No, I don't want to hear that. [LAUGH] All right. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] Okay [LAUGH] Like Vinita Peralejo he said the same thing on our game. Well I'm sure he said the same on everything. Yeah. Every documentary preps you can talk about this game. This one's like Subzero! [LAUGH] This guy's like Noob Saibot. You all right, Mike? Yeah, I'm all right. [LAUGH] Titanfall 2 is really fun. He hates this, I said it. Titanfall 2, coming out October 28th. I mean it's really weird, cuz it's wedged in between the other two. It's gonna be mental. Battlefield 21st, Titanfall 2, the 28th. November 4th, Call of Duty Infinite Warfare. Like a fourth of that at all? Kinda, I like space, I like space battles. Same. I always like- Personal space? Personal space? I do need some personal space. I freaked out at [UNKNOWN] the other day. Yeah? Yeah. How'd that happen? Yeah, they made a game about that called Space Invaders. Classic. Ow. Wow. [LAUGH] That was good. That was pretty good. It's good. I like you more. I have to credit my friend he actually said that. Boo get out of here. Friend joke. He doesn't read or watch ES five though. You know how it's done. Who is it? Butterworth? No back home. Okay. You don't need to know. Shout out. Niko hey Nuzzo what up? Niko? Yeah. He was he the star of Grand Theft Auto four? No. Okay, a shame. It's a tail end. Yeah, alright, Peter. Hi! Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Yeah, I like Call of Duty campaigns. [LAUGH] I like space. [LAUGH] It's rapid right, its on. [LAUGH] Yeah, yeah. Stick it on the box, Infinity Ward I mean, I'm super down on, looking at these guys getting rolled over by a **** helicopter. That's so dumb. I'm super not interested in the past couple Call of Duty games. They've been fine, they've just been known quantities. There's something about this. I like what they showed at E3 because it was them saying hey, guess what, combat has fundamentally changed because we're gonna be Using space in interesting ways, and I like the jetpack, and the hook, and all that stuff, so I am sort of hoping this will be an interesting new take on the formula. They certainly seem to be trying to do it, and I think it's difficult for them to change it up too much, because they risk alienating a lot of people who are super into Call of Duty every single year. So we'll have to see. Dishonored 2, who like it? Yeah. All right, two hands up. That's coming out November 11th, right after Call of Duty. We have a lot of video games coming out. And yeah, this game's been a long time coming. It looks beautiful, from what we saw. Three man. Yeah, the actual moment to moment gameplay between, now there's two characters, Corvo and Emily. Emily being the one you get to rescue in the first game. So, pretty badass. You get to play her but she also has a very different style to her gameplay. Instead of blinking it's the tendrils, right? That she's shooting out from that grappling hook kind of thing. [INAUDIBLE] staccato in the darkness. Tendrils. Yes. Yeah. They also show a bunch of these new powers. It looks like it's going to be more of [UNKNOWN] one, which I'm not disappointed in, knowing Arcade Studios. Well, I mean, not knowing them. I don't know them well. They have, like, two games that I know. Two games? I don't know. But a lot of people have made a lot of. Great. Yes. Their roots go back to the system shock days from the Looking Glass Studios. And all that Yes. Good stuff. I'm looking forward to how the experimentation gonna play out but the different powers and everything. Another game coming out from the studio that we may we not know. I don't know. I'm running out of segways here. Four days after that. The Watch Dogs, dos. What do we think of Watch Dogs 2? I was very interested when they first showed it off. I was kind of like cautiously optimistic. Talking to the guys at E3, I'm a little bit less, I was interested in them really tackling the whole East Bay, West Bay kind of thing. Yeah, and then it sounds like Yeah, some of our designers lived there for a year. Yeah. Yeah, wow. [LAUGH] It just seems, if you're gonna take an African American protagonist and throw them into Sam Francisco's crazy white-gentrification world, You really need to jump into that? I mean it's not like I live in Oakland, and it's constantly what people are talking about. You know what I mean? From talking to them it seems like they are probably going to delicately acknowledge it and not jump too far into it. Which I'm a little bit disappointed about, but apart from that I'm very interested in playing this game. In a way, in terms of just pure gameplay, the whole Hocking any car, hocking a lot of stuff, I like the idea of doing that. One of the many problems I had with the first Watch Dogs, was that the way you completed levels was so unbelievably **** rough. It was like do this thing, jump from this camera to this camera, and none of it was particularly fun. I don't know. A little bit more flare agency might go a long way. What do you think about it, Peter? We're sort of biased a little bit because it's set in a place I've lived for a decade. Maybe it's not as important to you, Mike. You hate San Fransisco. [LAUGH] Yeah. [LAUGH] Throw me under the bus. He called it San Fransuckso earlier. Just as stupid. Said his friend made that joke, though. Mike's gonna kick my **** after he- What is this animosity, did I say something to you today? You just reviewed too many games, okay? Reviewed too many games. I love San Francisco, I'm excited for them. God, take me so seriously. Yeah, there is something about it, Yeah, if it's in your hometown or it's in your back yard, it's fun, all right? Yeah. It's a fun thing. I, look. You see this laptop with a sticker on it that says hacker that immediately raises alarms for me because the cone of this game is probably going to be ****. Peter, it says haxor. The point of this game, I don't have high hopes. I don't have high hopes that it's going to be able to accomplish their stated goal of And dealing with cultural issues in the Bay Area. Which for someone who lives here, these are things you see everyday. It's not just like something you throw on because it's fashionable to talk about. It effects real people and its the same thing with mafia right? Like how How are these games going to handle these seemingly serious issues? Yeah, seemingly? These serious issues. I don't know. I don't know. I feel like that is going to be the bigger problem for me than the gameplay when it comes to Watchdogs. Yeah, it's kind of interesting. I'm hoping, yeah. I'm sort of a little bit, maybe, not as optimistic of either game doing it necessarily. Yeah. But we'll have to wait and see. it's not the last game out, though. There is something about South Park games, they like to launch them late, December 6th, the Fractured **** Whole. Looking forward to that? Love it. Can't wait. You like **** holes, Mike? I just played Stick of Truth recently for the first time. With Jake Becker. It was one sale. Yeah, and it was incredible funny. I'm looking forward to more South Park, yeah. That humor is always welcome. Yay, and that's all the games that I have prepared on this [UNKNOWN] anything. I probably did. Did I forget anything Mike? Deus Ex Mankind Divided I'm exited about because I really liked Human Revolution but it definitely had problems in it's structure and how you're punished. It was like the same thing with the first Dishonored, you're kinda punished for going a certain route after awhile. And also Civilization 6, I'm really excited about. Right, yeah. And how they are kind of revamping how the cities work, and making you think about the map different. As a big Civilization fan, Civ 5 is still one of my favorite games, 6 has me excited. I'm not someone who plays a lot of strategy games, but when he was describing the changes to Civ, where it's All the complexities of a city aren't encapsulated in just one part of the grid, now they're spread out. To me that sounds kinda like basic game evolution, like after. Like, it took you six games to do this? It took you decades? [LAUGH] Well, yeah. It's, it's. Yeah, that was my take away but i played it for about an hour. Theres a lot of smaller things that arent things that you could just say without going to a feature list that have changed. Right, yeah yeah. It does make you think about the math differently because resources figure into different city districts in a way that impacts the over all structure. Yeah. I completely see what your saying though cuz that was my initial That was my initial kind of hesitance. I'm not saying like it makes me not interested in the game, like I'm glad it's here. But it's also like all right. It's fine if you hate Civilization. [LAUGH] Civilization's 6 coming pretty soon, October 21st, I guess the same day as Battlefield 1, actually, so you can get your- Great. You're destruction of civilizations on in many different ways. And Deus Ex Mankind Divided, much closer. October 23rd. So just a couple days before Gears of War. August, sorry. I said October, I meant August. Yeah I was gonna say well that got delayed by two months, I had no idea. So it hasn't I was lying. I was deceitful. Okay, before we wrap this up. What was the one game out of all of those That you're looking forward to the most. No Man's Sky, Gears of War, Final Fantasy 15, Mafia 3, Battlefield 1, Last Guardian, [UNKNOWN] 2, Call of Duty Infinite Warfare, [UNKNOWN] 2, [UNKNOWN] 2, and I guess Civilization VI. Yah, Deus Ex. [UNKNOWN] you go first. Michael. Civilization VI. Okay. Last Guardian. All right, and I'm gonna go No Man's Sky I don't know, just from watching it close for a while Typical. Typical Irish, sticking together. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] Unbelievable. [BLANK_AUDIO]

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